All Windows Are Accessible If You Try Hard Enough ||Sherlock x gender neutral||2

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surprise, there's a part 2


Sherlock, John and Mary were already seated in your Chemistry class when you walked in. Sherlock blushed lightly once he saw you, causing John to give you a confused look.

"Hey." You said, sitting down next to your boyfriend.

Sherlock nodded. 

"Don't be rude." Mary said.

Sherlock blinked, then looked at you, and smiled. 


John leaned over to Mary and whispered (loudly) "What's going on?"

Mary pointed to the both of you. "They're together now."

John gasped. "Really? You actually did the dare."

At this remark, Sherlock started blushing even harder. "Can you keep it down?"

This made your stomach churn for some reason. 

"Right, sorry." John said. 

"I told you he did." Mary nudged him. "Did you think I was lying?"

"Hmm, I just didn't think you were being serious."

Mary rolled her eyes.

"Alright everybody, settle down. I'll be taking roll, then I'm giving you class time to work on your projects. It has come to my attention from my other classes that you still need time, am I correct."

There was a shy murmur of agreement among students, as well as some nods.

"Okay, raise your hand if you need the extension." The majority of the class raised their hands, though yours and Sherlock's stayed down. "And how many of you think you'll be able to finish it by the end of the day." 

A few hands went down, though it seemed most stayed up.

"Alright. If you need to extend the date, come talk to me and we'll work something out. The rest of the time is yours, come to me if you have any questions."

And with that, your teacher went back to his desk to take roll, and likely attempt to block out whatever his students were doing. 

Sherlock looked at you. 


"Library." You smiled. "Do you want to come?" You asked John and Mary.

"Sure." Mary said, standing up.

"Actually." John interrupted.

Mary froze.

"I'm not done."

Mary shot a look at him. "What do you mean you're not done? I gave you all the time in the world."

"Yeah...I doing other stuff."

Mary sighed. "Fine, Sherlock and y/n probably want to have their fun, anyway."

Sherlock scrunched his nose at this remark. 

"Come on, y/n, let's go." Sherlock grabbed the papers for the project out of his bag (he had yours too, because he liked to be the one in charge), and walked them up to the teacher. 

"We're going to the library." Sherlock said, briefly pointing to you, before walking away.

The teacher said "yes", either because he was pretending it was a question, or because he thought it was, but it didn't matter too much because soon you were out of there, and walking down the the opposite direction of the library.

"Sherlock?" He was slightly ahead of you.


"Where are you going?"

"The library."

"The library's the other way."

"The public one."


He turned back, and took your hand, and began guiding you quickly further down the hall.

He turned a corner quickly where there was nothing but a set of double doors, and pulled you outside.

"What are you doing?"

"You heard me."

You halted abruptly, tugging at him in protest. 

He stopped, and turned to face you, though he didn't let go of your hand. 

"You're acting kind of weird."

"Aren't I always acting weird?"

"I mean..."


"You're treating me differently."

"Yes. You're my partner, I'm supposed to treat you differently now."

You sighed. "Sherlock, if you didn't have a crush on me, you could've just told me."

He frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"I can tell."

"I do like you. I told you."

You shook your head. "No you don't, you did this all because of a dare."

"What did I do?"


"Why do you think that? What did I do?"

"You barely looked at me when I came in, you didn't say 'hi', and when Mary said we were dating, you told her to keep it down."

A look of pain flashed through Sherlock's eyes. It was brief, but you were sure you saw it.

"I'm sorry, I'm just new to this. I just didn't want her shouting it to everyone...if that's alright."

You nodded. "That's fine, Sherlock...we probably should've talked about this a little more before we came to school."

He nodded.

"Why are we going to the public library again?"


"Why was that a question?"

"Do you still want to go on a date with me?"

You smiled, and walked closer to him to kiss his cheek. "Yes."

He smiled back at you. "Good. Now we better go before the security guard tries to get us."


"We should probably run."

"Also right." You said, sprinting down the dirt path, Sherlock quick to catch up to you 
(he was faster, so he ended up dragging you a bit behind him). 

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