Chapter 12

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"Oops. New invitation." Riley smirked.

"Where?" Connor replied from his computer.

"Somewhere in Tampa... I guess. Here." He gave the copy of invitation to both of us.

"Why ain't I interested in anymore party." I sighed.

"Because of Lexy?" Riley sat by my side.

"Alex? not really." I stared at the printed email Riley gave me. "So we take this?"

"I think Tampa is fine. What you guys say? We can ask Thomas and Ryan along because I bet it's a big one." Connor added. "Tobs?"

"Hmm? Second anything with you. No problem." I nodded.

"Nope you're not interested." Riley glared. "What's about her that implies you so deep?"

"I just can't stop thinking what Justin said earlier. Veronica's too hard on her. I once met her at the campus and..."

I stuttered. I should've not said that to the bros. They didn't know anything about my SAT and Starbucks hang with Alex. Because that's where the chaoti part started.

"And? Whoa you didn't tell us before." Connor turned his computer seat toward me.

"She's gone." I chuckled in disappoinment. "Why would I be sad about that, right?"

"Dude it's okay. You like her. We got it." Riley rubbed my back. "Remember what happened to Clarissa when I ditched it?"

"Clarissa left you. It's different." I smirked. But yeah Riley was right.

"Oh wow." He slapped my back. "Seriously you can't ditch the feeling. If it goes to Lexy then Lexy's the girl."

"True that." Connor played a soft piano song.

"Please guys I'm not crying here." I rolled my eyes.

"Unless you go get her, we'll never stop. You have few weeks before LA month. Use it wisely." Connor tossed his car key.

"Wait what?"

"Keep the gasoline fully filled by the time you return it." He spoke sassily.

"Thank you!" I danced along. Yes.

"And Tampa party means...?" Connor asked again.

"Vote yes." Riley nodded repeatedly then looked at me.

"I'm in."

"Good. I'll reply the email. You tell James please, any of you." He replied.

"I got it." I walked upstairs. "James, Thomas, Ryan."

"Smart boy." Riley played with Tank.

I called the guys once I got my phone off from charging to let them know we'll leave for Tampa this weekend. It's a massive party so all members should go. All three of them noticed. So it's settled.

Now I can't help but staring at this one number I probably should dial. I kept calling her name inside my head. Things need to be cleared up soon. I don't want her to step back from her deserved life just because she thinks her cousin deserves it more. I like Veronica too. But not that way. Veronica is... Well, you can't have everybody as your girlfriend. Some people are meant to be great friends. Only takes one person to be the real deal.

"Hey Justin, what's up?"

"Hey." He answered from across the line. "What's up man."

"Uhm...hey is Alex there?" I bit my nails.

"Tobs, I'm so sorry. She's like gone." His voice was getting lower.

"What you mean by gone?" I half-screamed.

"She chooses to live in this on-campus apartment or something. But I don't know. We're not allowed to check on her. And she ditched the calls lately. Probably busy. Class is started, right?"

"Class... Oh yeah yeah." I tried to focus. She's the normal major meanwhile I'm the online student. We have different intake schedule.

"I'm afraid there's no way to get her on the line unless she opens her phone."

"Dang it." I lost half of my breath. "You sure about that?"

"Dude I can relate. Seriously I get what you mean. Alright here's the thing. You'll be my first dial when I got something from her. She might call home to check on us."

"Thanks bro. Really appreciate it." I murmured.

"Hey, can I ask you one thing?" Justin interrupted my sad imagination.


"No matter how hard it takes you, please don't let her go. She's one of the best girls I've ever known in my life. Needless to say she's my cousin. But at some point I wish she wasn't my cousin. Because I would probably the first fighter to get her to be mine. I know you're the guy. I trust you. Alex is important. You don't want to lose her. I promise."

"You have my word, dude." I nodded. Surprisingly, I got my nerves back.

"I know you will."

"Alright. Later, J."

"See you later."

I hung up the phone. Well. I know where to find her.

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