Chapter 4

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Wow. The party was outstanding. It's perfect in anyways possible. The BYE guys were playing their heart out. Satisfaction. When you brought along your dear fellow Exiter friends home for a house party, and it turns out flawless, the pride is all yours. So happy. And I'm officially 17.

"Thank you so much for coming!" I hugged the tall awkward one, Toby boy.

"Happy birthday girl. Thanks for having us." He hugged me back.

"Thank you for coming in the right time." I landed a kiss on his cheek.

"W...whoa haha no problem." He stepped aback and was blushing all the way.

"Thank you Riley, you're amazing as always." I came up to the middle guy.

"No, you're amazing too. Enjoy the big day!" He rubbed my back.

"Eyy girlie! Sorry but we have to leave. This is easily one of my fave parties so far." Connor lifted my body. "Happy birthday!"

"Thank you Connooooor omg I really appreciate that! We should hang out sometimes." I cheered.

"Clearly." He winked. "Bye guys! Thank you for today, thank you!"

All girls lined up and hugged the brothers as they made a way outside. I saw Lonnie the driver was already in the car, he pressed a horn for me and raised his hand, so I said hello back. It took them 15 minutes to have one last selfies with these friends. I know they have to leave. I just hate how good thing always comes to its end somewhat.

"Thank you Lexy!" Riley waved at her who's sitting on the swing.

"No worries." I saw Lexy waving at them.

Connor and Riley got in the car immediately and I approached them to the gate to say thank you. Lexy was behind me. The girls were in the living room. It's half past 8 in the evening and for the very first time, at my first day of age of 17, my heart's broken.


"Wait what is this?" I gave the small paper back to his hand.

"It's for you. Just keep it. You might need it later." He winked and climbed into the car.

I was shocked and unintendedly stepped back to where my novel was, that's by the swing. I stared at this paper. Clearly he wrote something. I didn't eager to open. Too scared. I saw Veronica's intense glare so there must be something wrong.

"Bye!" The guys opened their window for one last time as the driver took off.

I managed to mouth him something, to ask what I should do with this. He sat the closest to the window. He saw me. And just smiled softly. He got what I meant but literally just liked to leave me torn. Why should I deal with some celebrity?

"Hey." I smiled at Veronica. I helped her to clean the mess.

"Hmm." She changed her clothes to simple tee and shorts.

"Enjoy much?" I kept trying to make the cousin smile.

"It was fun, yeah, I did."

"What were they saying? Your party must be an A+ among all of theirs." I smirked. I know it. My cousin seriously gives a special attention to the level of party. She's the queen.


"Something wrong?" I stopped washing the dishes.

"Just tired."

"O..kay, you may leave. I can do this."

"You sure?" Veronica stared at me in a guilty look and upset as well.

"Take your time." I nodded.

"Thanks cous." She left just like that.

"Happy birthday." I replied, not too loud, but bet she heard it.

Bam. Veronica slapped her door upstairs. I almost dropped this slipped plate in my hands because of the soap. She shocked me again. Wow. I'm a teenager too and because my cousin needs some extra attention, I somehow have to loose my tension and act like an adult. So tired. But I'm the guest here. I live in their house. It's called politeness.

"Helloooo!" Justin burst out opened the front door and kissed the top of my head.

"Hey hey." I asked for a fistbump. "How was the double date?"

"Double date?" He choked. "Didn't remember I brief you with sort of information."

"Hahaha. Dude. I'm like smart enough to process that as long as there were Brai and Tayler, you wouldn't be just playing with a freaking guitar." I rolled my eyes.

"Cousin!" He cracked up. "Uhm...yeah Maggie was beautiful."

"Maggie." I nodded repeatedly.

"Oh stop it." Justin threw a couch pillow at me. "Where's the birthday queen?"

I replied him by glancing upstairs. Didn't want to be heard and seen as a total loser by asking her own brother to go on my side. Well there isn't any sides of this thing. I don't even know what we're having. But clearly for her there is something. And it's always like I'm the one to blame.

"You guys..." Justin tried to read my expression.

"Sleepy enough to explain." I sighed.

"Oh." He glanced at the very closed door of his sister. "Teens."

"Don't. Don't say it that way. I'm not into it." I released the tension by hitting the pillow back.

"Okay okay I'll try to talk to her. Chill. She's emotional." Justin hugged me to comfort my mood. "Like when isn't she."

"Hahahaha..." I slapped his hand playfully. "Sarcasm alert."

"Shush." He danced around. "Hey let's off to sleep. Pretty late though."

"Shouldn't we wait for aunt and uncle?" I stood up.

"Don't bother. Got the key with them." Justin wrapped his arm on my shoulders. "Cous, whatever she does to you, on behalf of the emotional sister up there, I'm sorry."

"Hey!" I scolded him because this dork before me could never shut his mouth. "I'm not mad at her. She didn't feel like talking to me."

"And that, too. She does it always." He nodded. "Anything. Whatever. I'm sorry for her."

"Just shush J, I'm okay." I whispered. "Gonna act like all is well with the world."

"Good girl." He winked and slowly walked to his room. "Good night."


Humpft. What a day. What day is today by the way. I even forgot. Too much going on in a day. I need a long bath.

Oh. It's been there for a while. Probably it's time to open the small piece of paper. Where is it.

Wait. Seriously, where is it?

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