Chapter 1

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"Oh you know what? I have a news for you!!!"

I rolled my eyes a million times for the last 5 minutes already because this girl before me, was just dang too excited. She dragged me to her room not even giving me time to breathe. My suitcases were still downstairs. I haven't even changed. Holy cousin.

"What?" I squinted my eyes.

"They're coming here!!!" She danced along.

"They who?" I sighed. Veronica, ladies and gentlemen.

"Before You Exit!!!" This time Veronica pulled my hand to ask me dance too. "Okay okay. On a scale 1-10, how excited are you?"

"1,5...." I giggled awkwardly. "Alright. Good, they're coming. Good. But I'm not interested."

"Lex! Are you even joking? It's the iHeartRadio Rising Star winner, for God's sake!" Veronica walked with me to my room, still with her loud voice.

"I know. You've told me that for like 193834839 times before. But yeah. It's good for you though. Have fun!" I winked at her and immediately slammed the door.

Sigh sigh sigh. Can't she see how tired I am after a long flight? Veronica is always like that. Her obsession with bands. Last time was One Direction or something. And The Vamps. And Hunter Hayes too. Oh you name it. She falls in love with every single band out there. But her Before You Exit fever is just getting started and worser.

"Dinner time, Lexy!" Aunt Deborah knocked my door.

"Be there in a second!" I marked the last page of novel I was reading and wore my cardigan for family dinner.

"Hey hello." Justin, Veronica's older brother waved at me.

"Hey you." I came up and hugged him. "Where's Ve?"

"You tell me." He rolled his eyes.

"Exactly." I nodded in agreement.

"Veronicaaaaaa! Honey! Stop that YouTube thing and come!" My aunty screamed to the top of her lungs, caused Justin, Uncle Brad, and I covered our ears.

"Yes Mooooom!" She finally answered. "Dang! I was on YouTube for like 5 minutes and you guys..."

"Hoho...5 minutes?" Aunt Deborah was about to scold her daughter but Uncle kicked her feet.

"So Lexy, how was the flight?" Uncle asked.

"Pretty exhausting but it was fine." I nodded. "Hey, Florida's always hot."

"It is indeed." Justin smirked. "Which university are you planning to go to?"

"Still torn between the one in Tampa or Orlando State. But I guess Orlando State it is. I have contacted them and it's supposed to be done already." I ate my lettuce.

"Cool! I have a company!" Veronica high-fived me.

"Save yourself from the band invasion, girl. It's gonna be massive and mess." Justin warned me.

"I'd just kindly study and do my homework." I rolled my eyes.

"Your parents want you to stay with us anyway. If you take it somewhere in Tampa it'd be harder. You would live in the dorm or something, right?" Aunt Deborah smiled.

"I would, yeah. So no, Mom and Dad disagree with that as well." I replied.

"Good!" Uncle Brad asked us to cheer, but of course, the kids were having only coke. "For Lexy."

"For Lexy." Justin repeated.

"Thank you guys so much." I sipped my coke.

Oh well. So it's started. The new life here in Orlando. I don't know what to expect except this time would be different than the last vacation I took with my parents. Last time we were just going everywhere and having fun. Start from now, I should take my own responsibility to study and earn some dollars at the same time. The adventure is started. And war against Veronica's bands invation is also started. Wish me luck.

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