Chapter 3

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"What do you think of this?"


"Alex, hey?"


"Oh shoot, cous!" I almost dropped my phone. "Damn, too loud!"

"You're not listening to me!" She pouted.

"What should I answer again? You ask the same question for the last hours. The answer remains the same. End of discussion." I got back on my phone.

"You're not happy, aren't you?" Veronica sat by my side.

"I am happy for you, girl. But please, chill. It's just a birthday party. Unless it's your wedding, you have nothing to worry about. Be kind with your parents. They've been spending a lot for a single party."

"I just want to impress him..." She started to tear up.

I was stuck in silence. Never seen this side of her before. Clearly Veronica has a crush on somebody. But probably never want to tell me either. So I'm just gonna guess. He, that guy, must be here this afternoon. And he, that guy, must be that important.

"Impress him? He'll be impressed just by the tiniest thing you do. The way you talk. The way you smile. Girl, you're beautiful. Better embrace it." I walked away. "Gotta check Justin first."

"Hmm." She simply smiled in tears.

I walked to this cousin boy's room. He tied his shoes as I came in and said hi. Ready to leave.

"So, what's it today with Braiden?"

"I don't know now. Haha. He changes his mind more than 10 times in a minute. Last night he said he wanted to have beach time."

"Yeah you said so." I helped him to put his stuff on the backpack.

"And now? Tayler Buono." Justin smirked and shook his head.

"Standing ovation." I cracked up. "Wut? He wants to impress the ex?"

"He said it's a good time to chit chat. Aha, whatever." He asked me to walk to the garage. "Dang, all purple."

"Dang, don't be that surprise." I rolled my eyes.

"Enjoy the party, then! I'm going out!" He pressed the horn. "Tell the parents, 'kay?"

"Alright." I closed the garage when he drove off.

"Aleeeeeeeeeex!" Just not even a moment I took a breath in the kitchen, Veronica yelled again.

"What?" I came to her room.

"Is this okay?" She pointed to the hairdo she did by herself.

"Okay. That's natural enough." I smiled. "Finally."

"Hahaha. You're the best."

"Hmm. I'll be downstairs."

I turned around and approached the longest comfy couch in the living room. The parents will go out in any minutes. No way they would stand over a house party like this. House party is a moment where all maximum level fangirls gather around. So you better be ready.

First bell was rung. I walked to the front door to open it. Yeah, 2 girls showed up, so I pleased them to sit and have a welcome drink. Veronica winked at me saying she will be coming downstairs after BYE arrive. Ha, I don't care.

Another 20 minutes, almost 15 girls have filled the room. They enjoyed the meals, thank goodness. You see, it's me who handled everything. Okay. Thank me later.

"BYE! They're here!" One of the girls pointed outside.

I saw a black Subaru outside. A minute later, 3 guys came out. All in black. All looking good. Well.

"Hey Lexy, should you open the door?" One of them snapped me back.

"Oh! Oh yeah. Of course." I smiled. "Let me. Just enjoy the party."

I opened the door wider for them. First one I landed my eyes on was the blonde one. I bet it's Connor. Because Veronica has briefed me with the names.

"Hey." Connor hugged me immediately, I wasn't even ready.

"Hello. Come, come inside." I awkwardly stepped back.

"You are..." The another one, I guess Riley, asked.

"The cousin." I welcomed his hug because I think they prefer to hug people to shake hands.

"The cousin must have a name." Connor winked.

"Alex." I smiled politely. "Or Lexy. Anything you want."

"Okay Lexy, nice meeting you." Riley walked passing me to meet the crowd. Oh. Don't ask. They went nothing but crazy.

"Thanks Lex." Connor followed Riley.

"So I prefer Alex." Suddenly a low tone voice came from behind me.

"Oh. You shocked me." I jumped a bit.

"Toby." He hugged me.

"You know my name, so yeah. Hey Toby." I released his hug and stepped back again. Bad habit. "Come on in."

"After you." He stepped back.

"Sheesh." I shook my head, led the way for him to meet the fangirls.

Not a moment til the living room filled by 'aw's and 'omg's, and Veronica still remained mysterious upstairs. So this is it. I think it's her time to show up.

"Ve? They're here." I mouthed her.

"Yeah? Oh my goodness. Okay okay. Ready." She put her heels on.

"Veronicaaaaa you look so beautiful!" One of the girls cheered. I don't know from which corner. Too crowded.

"Eyy, the birthday girl is here." All three boys stood up and welcomed her.

"Thank you guys so much for coming." Veronica looked very happy. I smiled inside, happy for her.

The girls themselves took some selfies with Veronica and of course, BYE boys. I just stared at them as lying my back on the wall standing in the most uninterested mood because too loud. I appreciate their passion and happiness to meet the idols, but as a fan myself, I wouldn't be saying 'aw's too much either. These girls are hard to be tamed. Just saying.

"Lex, can you please take a picture of us all?" Veronica gave her iPhone to me.

"Sure." I stood correctly. "Alright. In 3...2...1... Done."

"So composed." She smirked at me.

"What." I chuckled.

As you might have known, there's no one time only picture taking request in this world whenever it's in a party. So they hired me til the next 15 minutes, changing poses everytime, trying to impress the gorgeous princes. I just sighed inside repeatedly, faked a gesture of checking pictures on the phone to loose the time.

"One more time, Lexy!" Veronica signed me they're posed.

"Alright. That's it." I gave the phone to her and whispered. "I'll be at the swing if you need me."

"Hey, but the party is about to start!" She whispered back.

"Worry nothing about me. Everybody's here. Just enjoy your day."

I excused myself to walk among the crowd and took the comfy position on the swing outside. It's a circled swing so fine with me. I brought a novel, headphones, and music box. Pretty ancient, yes I'm ancient.

Once a while I checked on Veronica. Oh, BYE has started playing guitars. They owned the show. Everybody looked like singing along. But...wait. Why is he staring at me?

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