🌺Cute Lovers

84 1 1

Y/n p.o.v

I finished this stream.
It was the longest and the hardest one I ever did.

"You are crying, sis."
AJ mumbled when he entered my room.

"A-Am I...?"
I noticed the tears rolling on my cheeks.
Everyone did their part perfectly.
Perhaps I was too convinced.

Ranboo was the first to appear behind AJ.
He and the other guests needing to play their part were in different rooms in the house, playing through their laptops.

"How do you do that without crying, Ranboo?"

"Oh, no, I actually cry a lot while doing my angst."
He shrugged.

"Imagine the fandom,"
AJ chuckled as I walked out of the room.

"It was really heartbreaking,"
Tubbo muttered.

Tommy and Tubbo set next to two awkward spaces on the couch where Ranboo and AJ once set.

The television showed my stream end screen as the chat still rolled with a bunch of crying emotes and captioned words.

I said nothing, putting on my shoes.
"Where are you going?"
Tommy wondered.

"To Techno's,"
I mumbled.
"...I want to see him..."


"-shut up."
I flushed as I silenced the awwing sounds.

I opened the front door, immediately to be met with a hug.
I gave into the warm embrace.

I heard quick footsteps as two other men arrived, grasping for air.
"This man, *huff*, runs so FUCKING *HUFF* FAST!"

Wilbur complained.

Phil huffed, mumbling something about feeling so old.

Having Techno truly in my arms again after this stream was exactly what I needed. The part we played was so overwhelming.

Techno and I shared a small kiss before looking at the other's, holding hands.

AJ was looking at Phil, who was still catching his breath and typing on his phone.

@.TechnoThePig literally booked it to @.Olive 's out of nowhere and without saying anything just to hug her after the stream and fucking made me and @.Wilber_Soot worried and now we are out of air after running after the bitch.
I'm too old for this shit.


"You literally won't let go of each other."
Tommy face palmed.

"I think it was too angsty, oops."
Ranboo chuckled nervously.
"It's a good one, but I forgot to consider that you had to act it out in the realistic minecraft experience."

"The fandom is crying, so that's good.
It's a nice filler before the next arc."
Wilbur shrugged.

We proceeded the discussion of our future plans.

*ping* *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping*
*ping* *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping*

"Oh my freaking---"
AJ complained.

"Phil, it's your fault. You summoned the shippers and now there's no way back."
Techno chuckled after everyone turned their notifications off.

"Ooooooh, look at the art!"
Tubbo scrolled.
"...and a lot of angst."


We all stayed away from social media for a couple days as we went to some places around the city.
But of course, the time came for them to leave.

AJ said his goodbyes before going to school, and then Techno and I drove everyone to the airport at different times.

Ranboo, Phil and Wilbur managed to catch last-minute earlier flights while Tommy and Tubbo got together on a late flight.

It was sad to see them go.
They are wonderful friends.
They wished good luck in our relationship.

I sighed as I set on my bed.
I already missed our fun-times.
Techno set next to me and ran his fingers through my hair.

"Wilbur, Phil and Ranboo already landed. They said that they'll be free for another stream in a few hours,"
Techno told me as I scrolled through some art. Time and time again, I can't stop being amazed by their talent. I saved to myself a couple pieces I really liked.

Techno looked over my shoulder. He chuckled as I saved a good drawing.

"What? They just drew your character looking hot."
I defended myself.
...that didn't help with the laughing.

"Oh s-shut up."
I blushed.
"Am I not hot enough in real life?"
He said, pretending to be hurt.

"Come here you pig."
I dragged him into a kiss which he immediately gave into.
As we pulled each other closer, deepening the kiss, we lost balance and fell down.

We continued without hesitation.

We pulled away when we ran out of air. Both our faces were red as we panted like dogs. It took us a few seconds to realise the position we are in, as Techno was practically hovering over my body as I was pushed onto the bed.

Techno stared deeply into my eyes. My hands where wrapped around his neck.

Flustered, snapping out of the trance, Techno helped me sit back up.

"S-Sorry, you are just very beautiful.
I didn't mean to let things get out of hand like this."
He mumbled, embarrassed.

"It's okay, really..."
My heart was beating really fast.
I kissed his cheek.

We looked at each other again.
I got lost in his eyes again.
Techno cupped my cheek and he kissed my forehead before standing up.
"I better go prepare for the stream.
We've been fooling around staring at each other for two hours already."

I looked at the time.
"Oh crap-"

Time gets weird when you spend it with someone you love.

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