🎮Seeing Him Again

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Y/n p.o.v

I put my legs in the ice-cold water, looking at the bright sky.

Behind me there was a small dirt-shack, snow piling onto it.
There was enough place only for a bed, a crafting table and a single chest.

The alone-time really helped clear my mind. At least, this is what I tell myself.

I still have no idea what to do with myself.
What I believe.
What I feel.
My goal.

Gosh, I did the stupidest thing. In front of everyone. Like, what did I expect?
The distant look in his eyes as he pushed me away to continue in his plans still haunts me.
The confused expression Tommy and Tubbo gave me when I unexpectedly stood up for them isn't any better.

I'm not accepted anywhere after this.
Being alone is better.
I can just stay here in this dirt shack and do nothing for the rest of my life.
I wish Branch was here...
I really miss everything about my old home, before it got destroyed and I started travelling, pushing those memories away.

I heard some shuffling.
My head quickly shot in that direction.
My eyes widened.

"W-Wilbur...? How are you---???"
I'm going crazy.
I'm probably out of my mind.
I'm hallucinating.

"O-Oh! Hello, Olive!
I'm just wandering around here."
He smiled softly.

He was wearing a stained sweater, and he looked... desaturated.
His voice somehow... echoed...?
Is he... a ghost?

"You seem distraught.
Here, have some blue. It will drain your sadness away."
The ghost handed me some blue dye.
I let it stain my hand.

I mumbled, looking at it emptyly.

"Now throw it away!"
He exclaimed loudly, almost giving me a heart attack.

"H-Huh? Why?"

"It'll make you feel better, trust me."

I sighed, standing up. With a bit of momentum, I threw the piece of dye as far as I could into the icey water.


"Huh. You were right."
I smiled slightly at the happy ghost.
"Where are you going to do now?"

"I want to find a pet!"

"Here? Hmm... let me think...
I think I heard some sheep on my way here a couple days ago..."
I recalled.

"Great! I'll be on my way now!"

"W-Wait! I'll join you."
Something tells me that Wilbur's ghost is a little more innocent than his living counterpart. Very cheerful, but unaware of dangers.

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