Chapter 21

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*knock knock knock*

"Mija please get the door" mama said.

I put down the book that I was reading and walked up to the door.

"Surprise!" Dinah, Ally and Normani said in unison.

"What are you guys doing here?!" I asked surprise.

"Well we're here to surprise you... duh" Normani said.

"Mmm... what's for dinner?" Dinah asked walking inside the house.

"Dinah is always hungry" I said.

We all laugh.

"Where is Sofi?" Ally asked.

"In the living room watching cartoons" I said pointing to the living room.

Ally walked in and headed to the living room. Normani and I walked inside the house.

"Good evening Mama C!" We heard Dinah say.

My mama looked through the kitchen.

"Oh hello girls! Will you be staying for dinner?" Mama asked

"Y-" Dinah said but Ally covered her mouth.

"No Mrs. Cabello" Ally said.

Mama went back to her cooking.

"But... why?" Dinah asked facing Ally.

"Dinah we are just here to surprise Mila. I still need to cook for Troy" Ally said.

"Fine" Dinah said.

"Guys do you hear that?" Normani suddenly asked.

"Hear what?" I asked confused.

"Be quiet and listen" Normani said.

We all did what Normani said.

"Is that a piano playing?" Ally asked.

"I think it's coming from outside" Dinah said walking to the window beside the door.

"OMG!" Dinah said.

"What is it?!" I asked running to her.

My eyes went wide when I saw Lauren Jauregui playing the piano in front of my house. I opened the door and watch her play.

"When your legs don't work like they used to before... And I can't sweep you off of your feet"

Lauren started singing the first two lines of Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheerean.

"How did Lauren know that Ed Sheeran is your favorite singer?" Normani asked.

"She doesn't" I said smiling.

"Oh darlin I... will be loving you... til we're 70... And baby my heart... could still fall as... hard... at 23..."

I caught Lauren smiling at me. Oh that smile that makes my heart melt. How can someone so beautiful be the cause of your pain and happiness? Ugh this is so difficult for me.

"Who would have thought the player Lauren Jauregui can be romantic?" Dinah asked laughing.

I looked at my friends and saw that even them are amaze hearing the beautiful voice of my love.

"Aww look guys... Mila is blusing" Ally said pointing at me.

"Wouldn't you blush if Troy did this to you?" I asked smiling.

"Well yeah. Who's heart wouldn't melt if someone did this to them, right?" Ally asked making a point.

"You are both lucky to have each other Mila. I can see it in Lauren's eyes that she really loves you..." Normani said putting her hand on my arm.

"Thanks Mani" I said leaning to her.

"And we found love... right where we are..."

Lauren sang the last lyrics of the song. All my friends clap while I just stared at her. I saw two girls walked out from her sides and gave her a beautiful bouquet and chocolates.

After getting the flowers and chocolates, Lauren walked up to us.

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