Chapter 12

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I watched her walked away before putting my things back. I headed to the lockers.

"Why are you smiling?" Demi asked.

"Huh?" I asked stopping on my tracks.

"While you were walking here, you were smiling" Demi said.

"Oh" I said.

"So let me ask you again, why were you smiling?" Demi asked again.

"Uhm-" I said.

"Ooo did Camila gave you that kiss?" Demi asked pointing to my cheek.

I immediately erased it.

"Lauren it's okay if you are-" Demi said but I cut her off.

"NO IT'S NOT! I will lose the bet if I fall for her!" I said sitting beside her.

"But you are already falling for her Lauren" Demi said putting her hand on my knee.

'H-how did you know?" I asked looking up.

"Well I am your best friend" Demi said.

"Please Luis doesn't need to know or else I will lose the bet" I said.

"Lauren what is more important to you,Camila or losing to Luis?" Demi asked.

Before I could answer, our coach walked in.

"Get change and head out" Our coach said.

I stand up and got change. Demi and I went out to the gym.

After gym, I immediately got change and headed to Camila's locker. I smiled when I saw Camila standing in front of her locker.

"Hey there beautiful" I said putting my arms around her.

"Eww your sweating" Camila said removing my hands around her.

I gave her a pout.

"Aww you know I'm just kidding" Camila said kissing my pout.

"Mhmm..." I said to the kiss.

"Are you ready?" Camila asked.

"Yes" I said holding her hand.

We walked hand in hand going to music class. We sat on our usual seat.

Ms. Oxford started discussing about our new lesson. I slowly intertwined our hands.

"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me" I sang while drawing small circles on her hand.

"You always surprise me Jauregui" Camila said before kissing me not knowing that I am still facing her so her lips smack into mine.

When Camila pulled away, I saw her blush and I could not help but give her a big smile.

"Lauren..." Camila said low so I'm the one who could just hear it.

"WHat? I didn't think you would kiss me" I said truthfully.

"Well I did... in public" Camila said turning around.

"Camila?" I tried to get her attention but she did not turned around.

"Today we will be doing solos" Ms. Oxford said.

"Lauren Jauregui you are up first" Ms. Oxford said.

I stand up and gave Camila one last looked before walking in front.

"Today I'll be singing Don't Deserve You by Plumb. I know it's kinda old but it's a classic" I said.

The whole time I just kept my eyes on Camila. After singing, I went back to my seat.

"That was amazing Lauren" The girl in front of me said.

"Thanks" I said.

From the corner of my eye. I saw Camila turn a little bit and turned again immediately.

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