i love you

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The next morning the whole team stood by the bus. Bombay was leaving. He was going to try out with the minors.

"Don't take any bad dives okay?"

"Just remember, keep your head up man."


"Remember, strength not concentration."

"And for god sakes, soft hands."

"Have fun out there coach!"

Charlie gave coach a hug. Coach was a father figure for Charlie. I saw that Charlie was sad he was leaving so I wrapped my arms around him.

"I must be crazy, try out with the minors. I'm gonna be going up kids half my age." coach said.

"Just have a good tryout Gordon! One step at a time." Charlie's mom replied.

"Yeah you're right." they both leaned in before kissing. The whole team widened their eyes, especially Charlie.

Coach left.

Adam and I were at my home packing my bag. I was gonna sleep over at his house and meet his parents. Adam laid on my bed. I looked in my closet and found his hoodie. "I think this belongs to you."

I threw the hoodie. "Oh yeah thank you!"

We walked to his house. When we arrived, his mother opened the door. She looked really nice. "Hey sweetie! You must be Kiara! It's nice to meet you!"

"Yeah you too!" It was the first time I saw his parents. That time I was here, his parents were working. We brought my bag to his room. This is the first time I'm in his room. "Nice room you have, Banks."

"Thanks! Make yourself comfortable."

"Dinners ready!" his mom yelled. We went downstairs and sat down. His father was here now too. "It's nice to meet you Kiara. Adam told a lot about you." Adam began to blush.

"So tell a little about yourself." his mom said.

"Uhmm well, I used to live in New York with my parents but they decided to live here and move in with my grandpa."

"Interesting. You miss New York?"

"Sometimes, yeah. But I like it here better. New York is just, everyone knows my parents so we couldn't walk trough the city or something."

Mrs. Banks looked up "Your parents are famous?"

"I wouldn't say famous but they played in a serie called Teen Wolf."

I told some more about myself, my friends and team back there and how it is to live here.

"We're going upstairs." Adam said and he took my hand and dragged me to his room.

"Wanna play video games?"

"Yeah sure." Adam played more than I did so I laid on his bed.

"Your bed is really nice." He looked at me and turned off his playstation. "It is huh?"

I looked up. "Ready for the tickle monster??"

"No Adam don't-" I was to late. He already tickled me.

"Adam stop." I said while laughing.

"Okay just because you ask it so nice." he still was on top of me.

"I love you Kiara." My cheeks burned red.

"I love you too Adam." He leaned in and kissed me.

I really did, I love Adam Banks.

young love story -Adam Banks Where stories live. Discover now