thank you

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Coach called our parents to bring us to a huge stadion. We all got inside, waiting for Bombay.

"I wonder what this surprise is." Peter said.

A few minutes later, Bombay walked in. "Guys, i'm proud of you. I called your parents to bring you here because today, the whole stadion is for us and we're going to watch a game!" The whole team smiled and cheered. We all put on our skates and got on the ice. All of us played around. Suddenly Adam skated next to me and hold my hand.

"Make teams, we're going to play!"

I was a team with Averman, Jesse, Terry Guy and Tammy. Tammy and I weren't as good friends as Connie and I. She was nice but not the kinda person i would hang out with. We played a game against the other team.

We tied 3-3. After we played, the real game started. I sat between Adam and Jesse. The game went really well. I had a lot of fun with Adam.

We were watching the game when 2 boys in the stands stared at us. They wore black jackets with hawk logo's. Adam saw them and hide his face. The hawks already saw him and make finger guns which they pointed at him. Without thinking about it, I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and gave him a kiss on his cheek. I think it worked because they left.

Adam smiled. "Thank you."

"No problem." I smiled back. I took my arm back but as I did that, Adam puts his arm around me! My belly filled with butterflies. I placed my head on his shoulder. It felt comfortable and safe.

After the game, the whole team and Bombay ate at my place. Hans invited them all. We played some games and talked about the game against the hawks Saturday. We all wanted to win so bad. We talked about the hawks and I noticed Adam was really quiet. I placed my hand on his.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little tired."

After a while, only Charlie, Adam and Bombay were left. Bombay was talking with Hans and my parents. Adam, Charlie and me were in my room.

"I'm gonna get some snacks." As I left the room, I heard Adam and Charlie whisper but I ignored it. I took a bowl of popcorn and went back upstairs. Charlie and Adam were still whispering and when I entered the room, they suddenly went quiet. I looked them up and down with a look of disgust and they just started laughing.

We watched a movie called The Outsiders.

"That man looks just like coach" Charlie said while getting up.

"Just gonna go to the toilet real quick." Adam knew I had the biggest crush on Rob Lowe (Sodapop Curtis).

"He's not even that good looking." I chuckled. "Yeah right. You're hotter." I said sarcastically. He laughed.

A little while later, I fell asleep with my head on Adams lap and my legs on Charlie's lap.

When I woke up, they were both gone. My mom came in. "Hey honey, you fell asleep. So did the boys." I laughed. "I had to wake them up because it was late." She placed her hand on my head.

"Mom, I kinda miss Johnny and Lexi..." a sigh escaped my lips.

"I know honey." We just laid there until I fell asleep again.

The next morning Adam facetimed me.
"Hey Ki. About the date, maybe we can go walking at the beach Saturday afternoon?"

"The beach, that sounds fun. I'm in!"

The rest of the day I was really bored so I decided to go for a walk with some music. You know, to clear my head. Let go all the nerves. I got this really cute outfit on, short green jeans with a white crop top and my white platform converse.

While I was walking, i saw Connie and Guy get ice cream so I walked up to them. "Hey love birds." I hugged Connie an high fived Guy. I got ice cream to and we walked trough the park.

I already loved these people so much.

young love story -Adam Banks Where stories live. Discover now