Adventure time Part 1

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Rimuru POV

"You want me to do what ?" I asked suprised as Momonga walked into the throne room with one of his maids

"Wouldn't it be nice to collect information this way ?" Momonga asked

"Haa .. really and why should I take her with me ? Do you think my Personal maids here wouldn't be enough?" I asked and pointed at Luminous and Testarossa

"Well one of them would be enough tho .. but both of them has tasks to do here in Nazzarick and I garantee that Naberal here is more then enough" Momonga said

'Well I guess he knows that I am a bit bored here so why not' I thought

"Well then Naberal you shall accompany me as an adventurer" I said and stood up

Until now Narberal was to nervous to say one single word she kneeled and then said "I am honored Ruler of the Supreme beeings the strongest of all in Nazzarick" Narberal said

"I guessed so" I simply said and then walked to her "Get ready we will go tomorrow" I added

"Yes my Lord" she said and then left in a hurry

"Fufufu Rimuru! You always scare them away kuhuhuhu" Momonga said 

"Yeah Yeah .. by the way what are you going to do?" I asked him

"Nothing special maybe I should watch over that Carne Village a bit longer" Momonga said 

"I see if it get's to boring you can join me you know" I said as I walked over to a chest that served me as storage room for clothes and armor the last years

"Yeah Yeah I know but you should have some fun too" Momonga said 

"Fufufu if you say so what do you think if I put on this set" I said smiling 

Momonga looked at it "Kuhahaha it seems you really want to show of this time Rimuru!" he said laughing until his magic made him calm down 

"Well .. it would only rust in this chest and I barely go outside .. not to mention with an Armor" I said and then smiled "Do you remember how many Blue Sky Dragon's , Chatasthrophe Dragon's and Deep Darkness Dragon's we killed only for this Armor set" 

"Of course I do my friend .. the good old times. Not to mention the Dragon Slayer Tempest fufu" Momonga said 

"Don't call me by that Title please" I said emberrased 

"Alright Alright .. then I will let you prepare your Adventure" he said and left 

I hold my hand over the Armor pieces and called out "Merge Armor"  

I hold my hand over the Armor pieces and called out "Merge Armor"  

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[Relic Class Item : Ring of the Armored God 

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