Carne Village Part 2

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Rimuru POV

As we reached the Village I was kinda dissapointed. 

'Such a simply Village ..' I thought 

"Kuhahah see that Rimuru how they stand no chance again my Death Knight" momonga said next to me. 

"Yeah I can see how he steals my fun" I said a bit dissapointed and Momonga just laughed 

/Master you shouldn't interve this much!/ 

/Ehhh.. but Ciel.. I am so bored/ I said 

/But Master should be the one who does not care about thos lowly Humans! Let Momonga handle them and be the one above Momonga/ Ciel said excited 

/Heee../ I sighed /Really Ciel your Karma Points would be -1000000 am I right/ 

/Master Karma just goes to/

/-500 I know. But Ciel I already promised that Enri girl to revive everyone/

/I already deleted her memories she will only remember her job to gather information/ Ciel said with an smug face 

/You didn't deleted but manipulated her right ?/

/Just your Imagination Master/ 

/I see../ 

"Momonga we won't survive them but you should guide this village , maybe it can give us something in the future" I said 

"Hee what's with that woman?" 

"I manipulated her" 

"Hee..  really Rimuru you are to much even for me hahaha" 

We then flew down to the few remaining knights that attacked the Village.

"Stop Death Knight!" Momonga shouted 

The Villagers looked at fear to us after all we are 3 guys clothed in things they never saw besides maybe Albedo's armor. 

"Listen Knight's make sure to remember what happened here and tell your boss that this Village is now under my protection kuhaaha .. and now begon"

The knights instantly flee in various diractions into the woods. 

"Seems like you have everything under control but I am feeling that there will be a second attack so be carefull" I said and momonga looked at me 

"What do you think I am ? Some weak shit or what" Momonga said and I laughed 

"Anyways I will go back and observe this fight so win" I said acting like a king again .. after all that's what Ciel wanted and who wants to go again Ciel ? 

3rd POV

After Rimuru left Momonga talked with the Villagers about this new world they are currently at. Also he wanted money for his honorable act to save them. 

The Villagers seems to be more comfortable now knowing that the stranger had done this for money. 

Enri and her Sister also came back to the Village after it was safe and thanked Momonga for saving this Village. 

Soon after the old Village Chef talked to momonga in private revealing some information about this world and espacially the Re-Estize Kingdome and it's capital city as well as political things. 

Then suddenly Hors steps could be heared and Momonga went outside were Albedo standed guard. 

"Hoo it seems like I can have a little fun showing my Lord what I am capable of" Albedo said while pointing her weapon towards the incoming knights.

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