A New Life

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Momonga POV

I've really got isekaied and that's all thanks to the being that is the King of Ainz Ooal Gown and my friend Rimuru. Well hearing that he is something like we would call God who just wants fun was a vit suprising but I always thought that he can't be a charakter of the Game. 

'But we have a new problem the New World .. I don't know what can happen here how strong humans are and are the Guardian's even trustworthy ? I must check it for Rimuru' I thought and teleported to the 6th Floor. 

The Floor Guardians are Mare and Aura two Dark elves , as I teleported there Aura jumped down into the Arena battleground she smiled "Mare you can't let the Supreme Beeing Lord Ainz wait !"

"Aura b-but.."

"Maaaarrreeee!" shee shouted angry and the Mare jumped down I can understand him after all he is a male with female clothes .. really what did they thought by creatiing these two. 

"Mare , Aura I would like to test something" I said with my deep Skeleton voice.

"Hi Lord Momonga!" they said and then I grabbed the Guild Weapon we all farmed together and Rimuru then forged it. 

I the tried out if I could reach a Guildmaster to prove what Rimuru said and no one was there I then smiled .. of course no one could see I am a skeleton after all. 

'Now .. I should test out what Rimuru said to me .. Casting without a Chant' Then suddenly the Red Orb in the Guil weapon Glowed and I summoned a Greater Fire Spirt. 

"hahahaha as I thought a Level 80 Greater Fire Spirit! Mare Aura you want to fight right ?" I asked and both of them nodded. 

"Then have your way with him" I said after all it need some t ime to get all the Floor Guardians here.

After that they of course won against that Spirit they wouldn't be floor guardians if they were weak .. but it suprised me how easy it was for them and also all this emotions .. that wasn't possible in the game .. they have now a own mind. 

After that one after another came to the arena only two floor guardians but that was to expected after all one is a giant and the other was orderd to never leave his floor of course only when one of the supreme beeings order it personally he is allowed to leave.

"hooo ? Seems like I am the first to come here .. what a shame for the others" Shalltear said 

"Don't get so full of yourself flat Vampire" Albedo said entering with Demiurge and Cocytus

"Hee flat Vampire ? What do you want to say with that you chicken with black wings" Shalltear said 

'Ah really those two' I thought while looking at them 

"Tsk I must say I like Luminous more then you she isn't a brat like you" Albedo said 

"Tsk never mention my Queens name like that again only because you are the 10th Floor Guardian !" Shalltear said 

"Stop it , both of you how are you behaving in front of one of the Supreme beings" Demiurg said a bit angered 

"He is right Lord Momonga is giving us the previledge to meet him" Cocytus said 

Then the Arena was silent all of them were looking at me.

"Seems like you are listeniing now" I said

'whoa whats with that black intemedating Aura' I thought while realising this Aura "Floor Guardians , Nazzarick was transported into a new world" I began and then Sebas entered the Arena. 

"Sebas how is it going on outside ?" I asked he bowed and then said 

"My Lord we are surrounded by grassland I can't see any Mountain here and no Humans at all" Sebas said 

Rimuru's new adventure in YggdrasilWhere stories live. Discover now