Prologue: Arrival

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"...." - Talking

'....' - Thinking

Rimuru POV - Person of View

/.../ - Ciel and Rimuru are talking

(AN: ...) Autor's Note

[...] Notice of the World System

(AN: Hello Readers , the world of Overlord Ygdrassil is really complex and I am not into it .. I will try my best to be realistic but Rimuru will have a few Job and Race Classes that don't exist normally. Also you can comment about things that are wrong like Grammar or something about the World building etc. Thank you!)

Rimuru's POV 

'It's dark .. i can't see anything .. where am I ?' I thought after I passed the Portal to a Walpurgis Guy called. Well I could guess he was just bored like always and wanted to talk with the other Demon Lords. 

After a while i could open my Eyes I looked completly confused.

"That's not the World I know .. what happened..?" I looked around and the called Ciel.

/Ciel are you here?/ I asked short

/Of course Master , I am a part of your Soul anyway/

'A big mouth like always huh?'

/Well , where am I Ciel? And what happened/

/According to my Analysis the Portal was corrupted with Star Energy and that caused to lead us to another World called Ygddrasil an Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game short DMMO-RPG. It looks like the first players will arrive in 10 Days/

/Another World Huh ? so we can just Teleport to our Old World?"/

/That's right with Master's Power to travvel around worlds is nothing/

'Mhh so i could just go back .. OF COURSE NOT if i would do paper work again . I am not dumb kuhahahaha' 

/Ciel let's have fun in this world , you said this is a Game world huh?/

/Notice: Affirmativ. Game Worlds is a Typ of World created by the Power of the Information Technology  of your Old World , this world will be connected through so called Servers that allows Human minds to be transported in created clones to this World./

'That's really scarry that we did something like that and we didn't even now about this power .. Magic is something that Humans on Earth called Fantasy and non existing. And yet programmer of our world created whole words ha.. ha..'

/Ciel can I die in this World?/

/That's not possible .. after Death you'll be ressurected like the so called Players and lose 5 level./

/Mhh.. then what do you think about sealing my Powers .. I am a god ... a true god. I am to overpowered .. that wont be exciting./

/Notice: This would be the most exciting methode you are right Master/

/Fufufu then Ciel Seal all my Powers!/

/Affirmativ: Obey Master's order and Sealing his Powers , finished/ 

After she said finished I was transformed back in my slime form.

'That's really nostalgic .. I am weak again'  i bounced happy with my Slime body

'Wait if this is a game it should give somthing like a status mhh ..'

"Status Window!" well that is what i wanted to say .. if i could say something.

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