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Sif woke up to someone caressing her hair. "Please don't stare at me while I'm sleeping. It's very creepy," she said as she realized that Damon had come home from his meeting with the sheriff and was sitting on the couch with her head in his lap and he was staring right at her. He chuckled while shaking his head and simply said, "Sorry. I'm just having a hard time believing that I'm not hallucinating and that you're real and you're actually here." Sif instantly smiled as she got up and sat on her fiancé's lap and softly kissed him.

She had been out of the tomb and into the world for about a week and they had not been able to keep their hands to each other but every time his lips were on hers and hands were on her waist, drawing small circles, she felt like she was floating. Sif had tried almost everything the 21st century in a small town like mystic falls had to offer since coming out of the tomb but kissing Damon was still her favourite thing in the world.

They were in their little bubble, with one of Damon's hands on her waist and one in her hair and both her hands around his neck, when the bell rang. They pulled apart groaning. Sif put her head on his shoulder and sighed as Damon glared at the door. The doorbell rang again and Damon got up and answered the door. He opened the door to find Anna standing there.

"I suppose I should be grateful, you learned how to use the bell." He snarked while going back inside, leaving the door open for her. Anna entered, saying, "I'm here on behalf of my mother."

Sif got up from the couch and crossed her arms, "On behalf of or despite?" Anna stared at her terrified and apologised, "I'm sorry about what the other vampires did to Stefan. Abducting him, torturing him...It wasn't supposed to go down like that." Damon scoffed, "You're playing house with half of a tomb of really pissed-off vampires. What do you think was going to happen?"

Anna still argued, "My mom is devastated; they tried to overthrow her." Damon rolled his eyes and Sif asked, "And why isn't your poor mother here telling us this?" Anna hesitantly answered, "She doesn't really do apologies." Sif huffed and laughed, offended, "So she sent her little messenger along and hoped we'd accept that not-so-apologetic apology? When she gains enough courage to come in front of us, tell her we're not going anywhere anytime soon. Now run along."

Before Anna could leave, Damon piped in, "And if you're going continue playing house with these little vampire pets, you might wanna stop robbing the blood bank dry because they're onto it." Confused, Anna informed, "I haven't been to the local blood bank in at least a week." Damon said, "Then it's one of your others." Anna told him, "The others are gone, Damon." "Well, where did they go?" He asked. Anna scoffed, "They weren't cut out for this town. After what happened with your brother my mom kicked them out and they took off. It's just us and Harper now."

Damon and Sif shared anxious looks as they came to the same realisation. If the tomb vampires weren't raiding the blood bank, then Stefan was and that was even a bigger problem.


Mysha hated school with her entire soul. School was the worst thing to ever happen to her. So when she came back from her trip to India, she hated going back to school. And what was even worse was that the Miss Mystic Falls pageant was in a few days. Caroline was going to be insufferable.

And she was right. As soon as class got over, Caroline dragged her to find Bonnie while ranting about the pageant. She didn't know what was worse. Hearing Caroline obsess over something she has no interest in or being dragged to go talk to Bonnie. Mysha didn't like Bonnie. She didn't hate her, she was bitter around her.

It all started in 6th Grade when she confessed her huge crush on Bonnie that she had since they met. Bonnie, being confused and awkward, stammered a rejection. It not only broke Mysha's heart but also spread across the school. For the entire semester, she was known as 'the lesbian no one loved'. Mysha knew that Bonnie and her other friends still liked her but she didn't talk to anyone for weeks out of humiliation.

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