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"So do you enjoy being a vampire?" Damon asked his girlfriend as they lay in bed. Sif answered with no hesitation, "Yes. I mean there are days where I wish I could be human again but I enjoy the vampire life, it's fun and exciting. Besides, I've witnessed the french revolution so it has its perks, I get to live forever."

Damon hummed, putting his head in the curve of her neck, "So you would say being a vampire has been good?" Sif furrowed her eyebrows and answered, "Yes, why?"

Damon hesitated, then sat up and said, "I want you to turn me." Sif laughed, "What? You wish to be a vampire?" Damon nodded firmly. Sif's laughter died when she saw, just how determined he was, "Damon, I won't turn you right now. Maybe sometime in the future, but not right now. Your father is literally trying to round the townspeople up to burn all vampires."

Damon argued, "I understand that, but I'm going to war in a week, what if I die there? And don't you think it would be beneficial for us if I had vampire privileges?" Sif responded, "Damon, it'd be incredibly foolish for a vampire to go to a war. The blood could easily make them lose control and even if I do turn you, there is no possible way that within a week, you would be able to learn how to control your urges in a war. And as for the chances of you dying, I can give you some of my blood and you can consume it before you go out in battlefield, so you can heal when injured and if you die, you can come back"

Damon nodded mutely, deciding that this was the closest he could get.


The sunlight coming in the room woke Damon up from his dream. He stayed there, lying in bed, thinking of the plan he had to get the grimoire. He knew he obviously couldn't trust them fully with the plan so he would have to trick them into helping him till he gets the grimoire, after that he just needs a witch and then the tomb would be opened and Sif would be free.

He got up and got ready for the long day he knew he was gonna have. After getting dressed, he went up to Stefan's room where Elena had stayed the night. They were chatting when he entered the room and decided to make his presence known, "Rise and shine, sleepyheads."

Elena and Stefan both sat up, startled at Damon's presence at the end of Stefan's bed. Both of them pulled the sheets up to their chins, covering up any parts they might not want Damon to see. Damon smirked and said, "Oh, stop being smutty."

Stefan pulled the sheets further up and exclaimed, "Seriously, get out of here!" "If I see something I haven't seen before, I'll throw a dollar at it." Damon said, referring to the time he slept with Katherine before Sif came, "Now listen, we have some very important business to discuss." Elena raised an eyebrow and said incredulously, "And it has to be right now?"

Damon replied immediately, "Well, we have lots to do, now that we're all friends and working toward a common goal." He got up from the bed and missed the looks exchanged between Elena and Stefan.

"So, in order to open the tomb, we need to find the journal to get the grimoire to undo the spells. First things first-since you are Elena Gilbert, you're on journal duty." He explained. Elena questioned, "Since when am I helping?" Damon smirked and answered, "Well, Stefan's helping, and you've taken up residence in Stefan's bed, ergo.." he trailed off.

Stefan, being the caring boyfriend, reassured her that she didn't have to do anything she didn't want to and Elena shook her head, going completely under the covers and told them she'll look for it later that day. Stefan asked, "How do we know that this journal will hold the location of the grimoire? We're really going to take the word of this vampire? He seemed like a bit of a dimwit."

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