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[A/N: A bonus chapter, also for my friend @okaybyepls Cause it's my girl's BIRTHDAY!!!]


21 year old Damon was in his room writing when he heard a carriage stop in front of his house. Curious, he went outside and saw his father climb out of the carriage. Seeing him, Giuseppe exclaimed, "Damon! Come here, boy. There's someone you should meet."

Obeying his father, Damon walked up to the carriage just as a woman stepped out of it. Her beautiful chestnut brown hair was covered with a hat and she looked at him through dark blue eyes with a touch of hazel. She had a smile stretched across her face and she looked absolutely breathtaking.

She was the most beautiful woman Damon had ever seen and he was immediately enthralled by her beauty.

His father introduced them, "Damon, this is Miss Sif Nelson. She is going to stay with us for a while. Miss Nelson, this is my older son, Damon." Sif smiled at Damon as he kissed her hand and spoke in the most melodious English accent, "Hello, Mister Salvatore. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Damon smiled, "Oh no, the pleasure's all mine." Their eyes met and they stared into each other's eyes for a moment before Giuseppe clapped his hands, "Very well. Damon. I'd like to show Miss Nelson around the town. I need to take my leave, hope you enjoy your stay here with us, Miss."

Sif curtsied and Giuseppe left them alone. Sif's handmaiden left with Sif's stuff and they stayed in a comfortable silence. Damon broke the silence and asked, "So, what brings you to our small town?" Sif chuckled, "Well, I was just passing through and my carriage broke down somehow and your father was kind enough to let me and Lola come with him."

Damon nodded, "Oh. I suppose you're quite tired from your journey here. So we can get you a room and look around the town tomorrow." Sif agreed, "That's a splendid idea. I would love to visit this town properly, it seems to have very kind people."

Damon offered her his arms and together they stepped in the house, arms interlocked.


The next day, Damon and Sif were going around town. They spent most of the day at the market. They were currently at a small shop that sold jewelry for women. Sif was trying different items and conversing with Damon when they heard the doorbell chime.

They turned to see Miss Katherine Pierce, another tenant staying at the Salvatore House. Katherine entered with Emily Bennett and didn't seem to notice the other two customers in the shop.

Sif requested Damon to go fetch her something and Damon who already seemed lovestruck immediately left to fulfill her wish. She smirked and walked towards Katherine. Katherine didn't care about the girl next to her, but her expression when she heard what the girl was something Sif would cherish till the end of her days.

"Zdravei Katerina, my brother surely misses you."

Words: 490

[A/N: OH MY GOD! This was awesome to write! Hope you all enjoyed it!]





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