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Now that Damon knew how to get Sif back, he was out of the moping mode and in the obsession mode. He couldn't exactly get her out without the key ingredient- Emily's spell book. So here he was, trying to find anything that would lead him to the tomb or Emily's witchy cookbook.

He was in the library of the Boarding House, looking through the books for something useful. Stefan came up behind him and asked, "What are you lookin' for, Damon?" Damon deflected the question saying it wasn't his concern.

Stefan replied, "No, but putting Elena in harm's way, that is my concern." Damon feigned ignorance and asked, "What are you talking about?" "I'm talking about Atlanta."

Damon smirked and turned towards Stefan and sarcastically said, "Oh, yeah. Elena and I had a blast." And went back to his work. Stefan chuckled and said, "I get it. You're just bitter because one of us gets to be with the person that we love, and poor Sif is just out of reach. Unless there's another way for you to get into that tomb. Is that what Bree said?"

Damon masked his anger and replied, "You're pathetic when you're fishing." "And you're transparent when you're deflecting." Damon looked at his way and smirked, "Don't you have school?" Stefan just smiled and left.

Damon watched him leave and then went back to finding something useful. He searched for a while before he gave in to that small voice in his head telling him that he needed the Bennett witch if he wanted Sif out.

He tried to ignore it as much as he could, not wanting to align with the witches until absolutely necessary but apparently the necessary came earlier than he expected. He went to the grill because school was over and that is the only place people hang out apparently.

Lucky for him, Bonnie was there. He approached her as she got up from her table. Bonnie looked at him and demanded, "What do you want from me?" Damon took a deep breath and said, "I think we need a fresh start." "You tried to kill me." Bonnie argued.

Damon pointed out that he didn't and if he wanted to, he could've. That should mean something, right? Bonnie didn't feel the same way and threatened, "You know, I can start fires with my mind. Fires kill vampires, right?" Damon looked slightly concerned because she was right. Bonnie noticed the look and continued, "Stay the hell away from me."

A boy's voice interrupted the staring contest between Damon and Bonnie, "Everything ok over here?" He was presented with a "we're fine" by Damon and he replied, " I wasn't talkin' to you."

Damon had to physically stop himself from killing this kid in a public place and just chuckled and left.

He went back to step one: Finding something important in the journals.

He was writing down the names of the founding family members, when Stefan came into the library. Damon glanced at him and commented, "You got the hair right." Stefan ignores the comment and drops a journal on the desk Damon is sitting at. Damon asked his brother why he brought him their Dad's Journal.

And Stefan stated, "Because you were looking for it." Damon looked up and questioned, "And why would I want it?" Stefan mocked him, "Gee, I don't know, Damon. Maybe you wanna do a little bit of posthumous bonding. Go ahead. Enjoy it. Read it." Damon picked up the journal and flipped through its pages, "I have. Nowhere in it does it say anything about Sif, or the tomb, or how to open it."

Damon muttered, "I'm not surprised. Man could barely spell his own name." Stefan ignored that and continued, "I'm really sorry that it won't be of any help with your Diabolical Plan: The Sequel." Damon smirked at that, annoyed and proud. Proud because his diabolical plans are everything Stefan disapproves of, which he likes, and annoyed because he can't believe that even after 145 years, there even has to be a diabolical plan.

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