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The next morning, the three vampires and Elena were discussing how to deal with the vampires. Damon was boarding up the window that the two vampires had broken through. He pitched an idea, "I say we go to Pearl's, bust down the door, and annihilate the idiot that attacked us last night."

Stefan retorted, "Yeah. And then what? We turn to the rest of that house of vampires and say, "Oops. Sorry?" Sif shrugged, completely on board with the idea. Elena shook her head, "I still can't believe you made a deal with her." Sif made a sign of protest and Damon corrected, "We didn't make a deal with her, Elena. She just came, demanded stuff and Sif told her to get lost."

Elena argued, "This is why the tomb shouldn't have been opened, right? And now there are vampires running around and Damon got what he wanted. No matter who he is hurting in the process." Sif was shocked at the girl's bluntness. Yesterday, she was so sweet and nice and now she made Sif want to kill her just to shut her up.

Damon teased that she didn't have to be snarky about it and Elena snapped, "I woke up this morning to learn that all the vampires have been released from the tomb. I've earned snarky." Damon sat on a chair and whined, "How long are you going to blame me for turning your birth mother into a vampire?" Elena sarcastically smiled, "I'm not blaming you, Damon. I've accepted the fact that you're a self-serving psychopath with no redeeming qualities." That didn't exactly faze Damon, he'd been called a psychopath a lot of times.

It did, however, anger Sif. She sat up on the couch and narrowed her eyes, "Call him that once again. I dare you. Don't mess with us vampires girl, it will not end well and besides it's not like he did a background check when he decided to turn someone." Elena gulped in fear at the threat and decided not to say anything.

Stefan tried to ease the tension by coming back to the topic, "This isn't being very productive. We're gonna figure out a way to deal with Pearl and the vampires. Yeah? Hmm." Sif was still glaring daggers at the human and Damon got up to get her out of the room before she decided to feed on or kill Elena.

Damon pulled her out of the room and tried to calm her down, "Hey why are you so mad? It's not the first time I've been called a psychopath and it won't be the last. And I don't mind it, actually I kinda like being a serial killer." Sif sighed, "I don't mind that too, it's just she doesn't have a reason to blame anything on you. You killed a random woman who just so happens to be Elena's birth mother but she was never even in her life, Elena didn't even know her name until recently and she's not even dead. That girl just needs someone to blame and you seem to be the right candidate for that every time. Don't think I haven't noticed how Stefan is so hostile towards you and seems to hate you. You too were the closest siblings I have ever seen and now you too hate each other? What happened?"

Damon sighed. Now he knew the actual reason why Sif was annoyed. She didn't care about what Elena said, she didn't like the feud between him and his brother. He explained, "He made me turn when I wanted to die and he told dad about us knowing vampires which got you stuck so I hated him for a long time for that and I killed his best friend which made him hate me, though he kinda did before that too, I think."

Sif's eyes softened and she advised, "Killing friends and lovers is a huge reason my family isn't as close, don't let that happen to your family too Damon. It's not something I advise." Damon nodded and joked to lighten up the mood, "Hey, you know I feel like quite the handyman today, I think I might fix that one broken clock near the entrance. Wanna help me?"

Sif laughed, "Yeah no, I'm not gonna do that. But you do that while I go and take a nap. I'm awfully tired." Damon playfully glared at her and she got up on her toes to kiss him. He instantly reacted to the kiss, bringing his hand up to her cheek. Kissing each other's seemed the favorite past time for both of them. After a moment, she pulled away breathless and left the room to go to their room for a nap.

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