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Damon was pissed. He was in high school, where no one wants to be, and he was looking for the witch that stole his necklace. He doesn't get why she even wants it, it's not hers, he had given it to Caroline and couldn't take it back and the next thing he knows witchy has it. He tried to get Blondie to get it for him, because he doesn't think he can go near Bonnie without losing his temper, but she couldn't get it either.

So here he was searching the entire school for Ms. Bonnie Bennett. He had just come into the parking lot, deciding that maybe she went home, when he spotted her going to her car. He smirked and sped up to surprise her. She gasped suddenly stopping.

He would've commented on her priceless face if he wasn't pissed. So he just offered her a last chance to peacefully give the necklace back. She, thinking he wouldn't do anything in front of everyone, threatened to scream. He was not amused and mocked her saying, "Oh no, Don't do that. Let's stay on point. I want my necklace." She was apparently already attached to that ugly thing as she firmly refused.

He would have happily given her that stupid thing if he didn't really need it. So he did the one logical thing in his head, he offered to help her.

Bonnie believed that he could not help her with anything as he was only capable of destruction. She tried to move past him to her car, saying, " Just leave me alone or I swear-" Damon quickly cut her off getting in front of her car, "Don't! No threats. Look, A, you hurt me last time. B, I wish you no harm. Believe it or not, Bonnie, I wanna protect you. Let me help you get Emily off your back."

Bonnie was shocked, asking him about how he knew about Emily. He responded, "I know a lot of things, and I know more about that crystal than you do, and I know that she's using it to creep inside of you.", he said, stepping close to as she backed away, trapping her between himself and another car, "See how scared you are? And, you should be, because I will get that crystal, even if I have to wait for Emily to give it to me herself. So, next time she comes out to play, you tell her that a deal's a deal." He completed his threat, opening the door of her car for her and she quickly got inside and drove away.

He sighed heavily, knowing that Bonnie was now more scared of him and she would tell Elena who would tell Stefan and then Stefan would come confront him. He was not looking forward to that after this morning, Stefan was really mad at him. He didn't want to kill Lexi, she was just there. He actually liked and he would not have killed her if he could have found another vampire in town. But she arrived and the council was already on edge and then they got suspicious and he could not have the council figuring everything out, not before he got his Sif back.

After a while he went to the grill to clear his mind. He was drinking alone, when Stefan came up behind him saying, "So, Stefan. You know, I've been thinking. I think we should start over, give this brother thing another chance. We used to do it, oh-so well, once upon time."

Oh lord, Stefan was still doing the whole mocking thing. Oh well, if Stefan wants to joke, then Damon will just just go along with it, "I don't, Damon. I can't trust you to be a nice guy. You kill everybody, and you're so mean. You're so mean, and." Damon gave up on imitating him, he really wasn't interested in it anymore, "You're really hard to imitate, and then I have to go to that lesser place." He said hoping Stefan would understand and stop the game.

Stefan just gave him an amused look and turned to the bartender asking for a coffee. He then put his attention back on his brother and asked, pretending to be interested, "So, what's with the bottle?" Damon sighed knowing that this was probably another tactic to get something out of him, and replied, " I'm on edge. Crash diet. You know, I'm trying to keep a low profile."

Stefan took that as an opportunity to get Damon off his back and suggested, "You could always just leave, find a new town to turn into your own personal Gas 'n' Sip." Damon turned that suggestion down, reminding Stefan that he doesn't need to keep an eye on him. Stefan denied that accusation and told his brother that he wants to spend time with his brother.

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