Author's Notes

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Here you can see updates on the story and/or story's. You can find the latest update by scrolling down or by reading the date, time,  and chapter it refers to above it. Here's a warning that some info may end up unrelated due to me going on tangents.

2/25/22  9:10pm Chapter 07 

With this chapter just now starting to be written I feel I should clarify that this story may eventually turn into a full on expanded universe with each story focusing on a different protagonist. All story's would be set in the same universe in various regions of the world, Maybe by the end they will all team up with each other and fight the angels. There is also a chance that after this I may start an action fantasy or isekai because those are my favorite genre's, and yes I know isekai has enough already but I really wanna write one.

2/28/22 8:40am Chapter 07

I'm putting this story on hold for some time due to another story but That story can be read once it's third chapter is completed from the you will have to wait for updates to either story.

Journey of a Demon (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now