-Chapter 03-

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-Chapter 03-


The night has passed and Arikumo is already awake, he's out in the stable feeding his slave.

Arikumo: "What should I name you?"

Slave: *Stays silent*

Arikumo: "What about Nara?"

Slave: *softly* "Name me whatever you want"

Arikumo: "Okay then, your name is now Nara"

Nara: "My name is Nara"

Arikumo: "Alright, let's get going I need to see what you can do"

They both get up and Arikumo grabs his tent and other tools and leaves the city to gather possible useful scrap. Eventually they find a large building that looks mostly intact; they also spot other scrappers nearby. One of the scrappers looks to be wearing well made gear and carries minimal but important tools on his belt. He has short blonde hair and a fading scar along his left cheek. Arikumo walks up to them and asks what is happening.

Scrapper 1: "Oh, so you found this place too?"

Arikumo: "Yeah, so what's everyone doing here"

Scrapper 1: "well this place is one of the few banks left that we haven't got to"

Scrapper 2: "yeah, if we can get into the place there should be enough to split between everyone"

Arikumo: "Oh ok, well what's everyone waiting for?"

Scrapper 1: "Well the door won't budge and it got metal sheets on every entrance including the windows"

Arikumo: "What about the vents?"

Scrapper 2: "Are you crazy? All of us are too big to fit and we can't even be sure the vents are still standing"

Arikumo: *yelling* "Nara! Come"

Nara walks up and waits for him to speak.

Arikumo: "Do you think you can slip through the vents and unlock the door?"

Nara: "I think so. I'll give it a try"

Arikumo and Nara walk up to the vents and Arikumo lifts her up so she can slip inside.

Arikumo: "Are the vents still standing enough for you to unlock the door?"

Nara: "I think so"

Arikumo walks back to the front of the building and waits with the others.

A few moments later the metal sheets raise and the door opens.

Scrapper 1: "That's one handy slave you got there"

Arikumo: "Lets just head inside"

They all head inside and Arikumo meets up with Nara. There's plenty of items for them to sell so they split the earnings but run into a problem at the vault door.

Scrapper 1: "Damn, there's no way we can get inside without the key"

Arikumo: "Don't be so sure"

Arikumo walks up to the door and finds the keyhole that was protected by electronics. He pulls out a small plank of wood and some clay. He puts the clay in the keyhole making a mold of the key, once he's ready he uses a knife to carve the shape of the key into the wood. He places the key in the door and turns the lock, a click is heard signaling that the valve can be turned but Arikumo finds it difficult to turn as it's rusted over.

Arikumo: "Can someone help me turn this thing?"

Scrapper 1: "Oh, sure"

They struggle to turn it but it eventually gives way. They open the door to see shelves of cash and gold bars. They head inside and bring everything to the lobby.

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