-Chapter 01-

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-Chapter 01-

-Rude Awakening-

"That's something I already know plus that info is old, anyways who made this stupid computer? At least there ought to be something good inside it." He prys open the bottom of the laptops casing and unscrews some pieces placing them in his pockets.

He looks around the room, taking in the area around him. The whole place is nothing but dark muddy dirt and overgrown plants with a few pieces of destroyed homes sticking up out of the ground. He sits in a tent he set up there the day prior, Its color matches that of the ground to act as a hidden shelter.

"I've been a scraper for 5 years now, and I've seen my share of things but this is interesting." He looks over the large collar like device and places it in his pocket, he begins standing up after which he gathers his things. He folds the tent and places it in a bag which he then straps to his back.

He begins walking to a large wall of junk where he is met by a guard with rusted, poorly welded armor and a rusty spear.

"Identification and scraper card" the guard says looking at the man

"Can't you just let me in? You know who I am." He replies

"Rules are rules, no one gets in without identification!" The guard says holding his hand out.

"Here" the man says while handing the guard his identification and card.

"You're good to go, head on inside" The guard says handing the items back, Before the man can go he stops him.

"Sorry, Arikumo but you know how it is out here. Can't trust anyone." he says.

"Yeah, I know but it gets annoying sometimes." Arikumo replies while heading through the gates.

He walks down a wide market road, all the stalls are made from scavenged animal hide and random bits of metal and wood. Continuing down the road he enters the residents area. He walks up to a door and unlocks it with a key he pulled from his pocket. Upon entering he is met with the voice of a girl.

"Dinner's ready, come and get it before it gets cold."

"I'm coming" Arikumo says walking into a room set up to be a kitchen.

He sits down on a poorly repaired wooden chair, in front of him a dining table as a girl of average height, black hair, brown eyes and a small build places two plates on the table. The plates have freshly cooked unknown meat sitting on them with a side of mashed potatoes. After the girl sits down they begin to eat and converse about the day to day, until.

"Have you heard? The monarch recently started to draft men from the slums to fight in his war." the girl says.

"Yeah, I hear the Rochdale Empire made their move in the south wiping out three frontier towns." Arikumo replies hesitantly.

"I'm more worried about the fact that the empire has been slowing down. Rochdale only attacked those towns as a means to gain manpower, and if they needed manpower they might get desperate and start attacking at random. The larger they get the shorter they are in labor and the emperor is an idiot, but Hopefully the monarch can negotiate something with them so that way our town can be spared." He continued.

"That makes sense." She yawns. "I'm gonna turn in for the night, are you going to sleep as well?"

"Nah, i'm gonna double check my loot from the outside" He says standing up from the table.

"Goodnight, mother." He says waking into a side room.

"Goodnight, Arikumo" She says climbing the ladder to the loft and lays down on the numerous sheets lying on the ground. She closes her eyes and falls asleep.

"I wonder what you are" Arikumo says in the other room looking at the collar looking device he picked up earlier.

"Appraisal" He says holding his hand to the item.

[Activated Skill 'Appraisal']

[Results found]

[This Item Is a Collar That Forces The Wearer To Obey Whatever Order They Are Given By The Collars Owner.

Item Status Has Been Updated.

Ownership Of This Item Has Been Transferred To You]

"What the hell, this thing is a slave collar. These were used on humans during the rapture in order to force them to expose the locations of their comrades" He whispers in surprise. "Then again if I was caught with my ability; I would surely be executed. I'll keep this hidden for now." He puts the collar in his bag and lays down; falling asleep.

"Wake up Arikumo, the Empire is attacking!" His mom shouts.

He quickly jumps awake and runs to the window, horrified at the sight of people in the streets.

He had seen several of the towns women being raped and murdered, kids being killed and kidnapped; thrown in wagons and pulled out of town. The town was on fire but due to all the metal it was mostly just hot, all the men were being killed. Then a knock at the door.

"Mother, hide now!" he loudly whispered as she hid in another room.

He walked up to the door slowly and opened it; the door swung open fast enough to knock him out.

Later, he woke up to the sound of sobbing and crying. He slowly opens his eyes and lets them adjust. Then he sees it, his mom forced on the kitchen table being raped by two imperial soldiers. Her tears falling to the floor, her crying and sobbing. His mind stops thinking for what felt to him like hours.

His despair took him over, believing he could do nothing. Slowly her cries vanished from his mind, He saw nothing, he felt nothing, he heard nothing. Until he heard 'it'.

[New Skill Unlocked]

[You Can Now Use The Skill 'Dominators Touch']

[This Skill Can Be Used To Manipulate Small Objects In The Air Or On The Ground]

"What are you doing?" He says calmly while looking at them with the intent to kill; enough so that the men froze for a second only to regain their senses and ask him.

"What are you gonna do kid, you can't fight?"

[Activated Skill 'Dominators Touch']

He lifts the knives in the kitchen, Resting them in the air beside his shoulders. The movement knocks his hood down revealing a young boy, around 16, shoulder length dark brown hair, black frame glasses, and glowing red eyes.

"What the hell are you?!" One soldier shouts only to have his throat slit right after he finishes.

"I'll leave kid, just don't k..." The other soldier is cut off and falls to the ground with a loud thud.

Arikumo begins to walk up to his mother but he notices several stab wounds all over her exposed chest.

"Mother, don't die." he cries

"Avenge everyone and stop the empire, please don't let anyone else fall victim to the empire. I love you. My son. Arikumo." She says slowly with a raspy voice as she takes her last breath.

Arikumo: "How could I have let this happen? What did I do to deserve this?"

Arikumo: "I have to leave! The empire will hunt me down, and once the town learns of my abilities they'll do the same."

He grabs his things and shoves them in his bag and jumps out a window. As soon as he exits a wave of heat and light reminds him of the state the town is in. Through the fire he spots an opening to escape and runs for it; as he runs he gets burnt on the the shoulder by a piece of amber falling from the building. He makes it out of the town and continues into the ruins of the city.

[Sakamo Arikumo]  

[Current Skills]----------[Appraisal]---------[Dominator's Touch]



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