-Chapter 02-

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-Chapter 02-

-The Girl-

A few days have passed since he ran from town to escape the empire. He is looking through his bag for supplies where he finds the collar.

Arikumo: "Wait, I still have this? I wonder how I could use it? Maybe I could buy a slave from a neighboring town; Isn't Graytown nearby?"

Arikumo: "I guess I'll head there, I got nothing else to do. It's north-east from here, welp, let's go."

He begins walking east using a compass he got from a previous scraper job. The areas he passes are filled with colors of green, brown, and blue. The ruins of the city are covered in moss and other plantlife reclaiming the earth. Where there once was once a massive parking lot there are now several vibrant oak trees sprouting from the ground. The streets are filled with the sound of many birds happily chirping in his presence. Deer can be seen eating fruit from bushes nearby, they show no caution near him continuing to eat peacefully.

Eventually he walks up to the deer and picks some fruit to eat. Then he nibbles on them for a bit and continues to Graytown. After a while he can see his destination and comes up to the front gate.

Guard: "Identification and Scraper card."

Arikumo: "Here"

He hands over the items and lets him through telling him not to cause any trouble. He finds an inn and buys the room for the next few nights and lays down to rest. The next day he gets up and heads to the market; he finds a vendor selling some interesting items.

Arikumo: "Excuse me sir, but what are these items"

Vendor: "They are genuine slave collars my friend; only 45 credits, are you interested?"

Arikumo's Thoughts: "Appraisal"

[Activated Skill 'Appraisal']

[Results Found]

[These Items Are Slave Collars Only Work For a Limited Time. These Specific Items Can Only Last Up To a Week.]

Arikumo: "No thanks, I don't even own a slave"

Vendor: "Well, that's too bad, But if you're interested in getting one there's a market down the road and to the left. It's a large circular tent. You can't miss it."

Arikumo: "Oh, thank you I guess."

Arikumo begins to walk in the direction the vendor told him about, but realizes that he doesn't have much money left. He decides it's best if he tries to get a job that pays well. After some searching he finds that the local Graytown Library is hiring new bookkeepers. He heads inside and asks for an interview. Some time passes and he is invited into the librarians office. He sits down in a chair near her desk. She sits at the desk resting her head on her hand. Arikumo looks at her unique appearance; long Dark brown hair that goes to her waist, a petite appearance and a cute figure, her green eyes are wide due to her glasses, she wears a pink sweater and a brown knee length skirt both covered in dirt and dust from cleaning the library by herself. She then speaks

Librarian: "So, you want a job? Why are you interested in the job other than making money?"

Arikumo: "I have two reasons. One, I like reading and the worlds they often send you to. Two, This was the only place I could find."

Librarian: "I see; And for what reason do you need the money."

Arikumo: "My hometown was destroyed by the empire and now I have nowhere to go."

Librarian: "Well ok, You can have the job, Starting tomorrow you will help me sort some book returns. Understood?"

Arikumo: "Yes ma'am."

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