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Hello everyone. I know I've kind of left this story gathering dust for a while, but it's recently made a comeback in my brain. I cannot even begin to tell you how happy I am that so many people have read this thing. It was really just a pet project I put out there to put my thoughts into proper words. But as this story came back into my mind, I couldn't help but feel like I kind of did it wrong. I'm still pretty new to writing fan fictions, but I already feel way better about my new writing style. All of this is to say, I'm rewriting Thunderstruck. To those who actually enjoyed the series, I see you. I did not abandon you! I HAVE RETURNED!!! Bigger and better than ever. I hope you enjoy the new story. The first chapter is out now, and the story is called, Thunderstruck Mk 2. I hope to see you all there.

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