Battle Training Part 2

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Jean was getting ready for his own fight. He had given his congratulations to Shizuka, and now it was his turn. He knew Shizuka would be watching, and he also knew that Jotaro would be watching. It was time to prove to him that Jean could handle the responsibility of the arrow.

He and Yaoyorozu had reached the room with the bomb in it, and she was using her quirk to create small barriers and fortify the room.

Yaoyorozu: So Giovanna, could you please explain your quirk to me?

Jean: Please, call me Jo Jo. Also, I'm technically quirkless. The power I have is known as a stand.

He then summoned his stand.

Jean: This is my stand, Thunderstruck. It has the ability to absorb and discharge electricity. It also has an ability that allows it to heal wounds. Sorry, Yaoyorozu, I doubt that makes as much sense as I think it does.

Yaoyorozu: Wow, that sounds like a powerful ability. Also, you can just call me Momo.

Jean: Alright. So based on what I could gather from the quirk apprehension test, Kaminari has the power to discharge electricity. However, he seems limited in his ability to do so. Jiro is more of a mystery. Her quirk doesn't seem very physical in nature, but that makes her a wild card. I say we trap the lower floors, and try to isolate them. Given the nature of Kaminari's quirk, and the potential danger Jiro poses, I say we use traps to get them separated, and I'll try to take them out one at a time.

Momo: Solid plan. What kind of traps were you thinking?

Jean: Well we want to try to control the paths they take. We want to manipulate their locations. We also want to keep damage to a minimum. I say flash mines. What do you think?

Momo: Audio lures would probably help as well.

Jean: Good call. Let's get to work.

Time skip: Start of the match

Kaminari: Let's get going.

Jiro: Right.

As the duo walk into the building, they immediately hear arguing.



Kaminari was thrilled. He hadn't predicted that this fight was going to be so easy. He figured if he could keep Yaoyorozu and Giovanna close together, he could take them both out at once. Kaminari rushed in the direction of the opposing team, with Jiro close behind. But Kaminari was running too fast, and Jiro had started to fall behind. Kaminari rushed in and let out the biggest electrical attack he could muster... Into an empty room. They'd been duped. Suddenly, a flash bang went off. She felt something wrap around her arm. Capture tape. Jiro was blind and her ears were ringing, but she still heard Allmight over the loudspeakers.


They had expected an easy fight. They were just wrong about who it would be easy for.

Shizuka: Amazing! He didn't even use his stand!

Jotaro: So he's strong and clever. Good. He'll need both.

Jean: Great planning, Momo!

Momo: Thanks. You did well too.

A few minutes earlier:

Momo: We should record something on the audio lure. Something to keep their guards down.

Jean: Let's make it sound like we're arguing. A dysfunctional team is by it's nature, ineffective.

Momo: So we'll use the audio to lure them into a room. Knowing how Kaminari's electricity works, Jiro will need to keep her distance from him so he can attack. Once his brain is fried, I'll throw a flash bang. You rush in and use the capture tape on Kaminari, and I'll go after Jiro.

Jean: Got it.

Time skip: After school

Shizuka: Jo Jo! I just got a text from Josuke. He's at Jolyne's house. Let's head over.

Jean: Got it.

When they arrived at Jolyne's house, they were met with an unexpected visitor.

???: The next thing you'll say is, "Dad, I had no idea you were going to be here!"

Shizuka: Dad, I had no idea you were going to be here!

Joseph: Hello Shizuka!

Shizuka ran up and hugged her father. Jean turned to Josuke, questioningly.

Jean: Not that I'm complaining, but why is he here.

Josuke: Good to see you too Jean. Also, he's here because there's no real reason for him to be anywhere else.

Jean: Haha.. Sorry Josuke. How are you?

Josuke: I'm good. I heard you've become the new star of class 1A.

Jean: No, no, nothing like that. I'm just passionate.

Josuke: One way or another, you're kicking ass out there.

Jean: Thanks

Joseph: Hey kiddo.

Jean: Hey Joseph. Long time no see. How you doing?

Joseph: I'm doing alright. I hear you're doing very well at UA.

Jean: Oh? And what gave you that idea?

Joseph: I have some connections to the school. And no, I'm not talking about Jotaro.

Jean: Interesting. Well how long can we expect you to stay?

Joseph: I plan on staying for Shizuka's entire UA career.

Jean: Oh! I guess that makes sense.

Joseph looked like he was about to say something, but he immediately started coughing. Hard. Coughing and wheezing. It was then, that he spit up blood.

Josuke: DAD! What just happened?! Let me patch you up.

Joseph: I'm not injured, I'm okay. Really. I just need to make a phone call.

Joseph left in something of a hurry, and went into the empty guest bedroom. It was there that he made a call to a friend.

Joseph: Change of plans. Can you squeeze me in tomorrow?

???: Yes. What's changed?

Joseph: I'm not sure how much time I have left. I don't want to waste a second of it.

???: Understood. We'll see you tomorrow Mr. Joestar.

Joseph: Thanks.

Hey, it me. So, I'm exited to keep working on this story. I really want to know how you guys feel about it. I appreciate everyone who reads this. Until next time... do something, I guess.

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