The USJ Part 1

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Jean and Shizuka met up on their way to school, and once they got there, they were mobbed by reporters, asking them what it was like to be taught by Allmight. The two of them simply pushed through the crowd, however, causing them to get some dirty looks from the reporters, but they backed off when the cousins started emanating a menacing aura.

In class, Aizawa told the students to pick a class representative, and Iida suggested they hold an election to decide their representative. Jean got five votes, and Momo got 3. Jean spent the lunch period proving that he deserved the role of class rep, by calming down a herd of stampeding high school students. UA's security door had been breached, but the only intruders on the property were members of the press.

When class started up again, Aizawa told them to get on the bus to go to a separate location, where the students would take part in rescue training with himself, Allmight, and two others.

The class arrived at the site of the building known as the USJ. There they were met by the space heroine: Thirteen. She told them Allmight was going to be late to class, and began to explain the importance of controlling one's quirk in rescue situations. She was then interrupted by the other mystery teacher.

???: Class 1-A... The next thing you're going to say is, "OH MY GOD! IT'S JOSEPH JOESTAR!!!"


Joseph: Eh, close enough.

Shizuka: DAD! What are you doing here?

Joseph: I wanted to see what you were capable of firsthand, and I've decided that it's my top priority to help you on your path to becoming a heroine.

This father-daughter moment was interrupted by a cloud of black and purple smoke in the plaza of the USJ. A large group of villains walked out of this smoke, including a guy with hands all over his body, and an odd creature, which looked to be the personification of the term bird-brain.

Handy man: Huh... According to the schedule, Allmight was supposed to be here. Hmmm. Maybe if we kill some kids, he'll be tempted to come out.

That lead to a series of events that end with Jean, Midoriya, and Tsu(as she asked to be called) on the deck of a boat, surrounded in the water by villains.

Midoriya: This isn't good.

Jean: Are you kidding? They put the thunder guy in the water. This is great for us.

Tsu: If you electrify the water, there's no way for us to get out of here. I'm guessing none of us can drive a boat.

Jean: Good point. We need a more well-though-out plan.

Midoriya: I got it. I'll create a whirlpool by flicking toward the water, which will occupy the villains attention long enough for Asui to grab me and jump as far as she can, swimming the rest of the way to shore. Once we're on dry land, Giovanna can use his stand to electrify the water.

Jean: Solid plan.

While they were executing that plan, Joseph and Aizawa were fighting villains in the plaza. Their leader was the hand guy, who's name turned out to be Tomura Shigaraki. The living mist's name was Kurogiri, and the bird creature was called Nomu.

Joseph: They're only sending lackeys at us. The leaders must be too afraid to fight us themselves.

Shigaraki: I know your game, Joestar. You're trying to goad me into fighting you one-on-one. That isn't going to happen, however.

Joseph: You're gonna run out of pawns sooner or later, kid. Then, it'll just be us.

Shigaraki: Nomu, why don't we show this old man where he's mistaken.

Nomu suddenly dashed toward Joseph, and punched him in the stomach. Joseph collapsed.

Shigaraki: Not so tough now, are you, Joestar.

In Joseph's eyes, was a glimmer of something one didn't often see in the eyes of a Joestar. Fear. Not for his own life, but for the idea that he wouldn't get to see his daughter become everything he knew she could be. Fear that the last Shizuka would see of her father would be the bloody corpse of an old man. Tears formed in his eyes, as he whispered.

Joseph: I'm sorry, Shizuka. Caesar, Suzy, Granny Erina, I'll see you soon.

These were Joseph Joestar's last words, as Nomu drove it's fist through Joseph's body.

In the landslide zone of the USJ, Shizuka felt the power of her Hamon spike, as though someone had given her their own. She stopped fighting villains in that moment. Because she knew... Joseph Joestar was dead. Todoroki finished off the nearby villains, as Shizuka fell to her knees.

Jean, Midoriya, and Tsu were walking away from the shipwreck zone, into an artificially wooded area, when Jean dropped to his knees. In that moment, he had been covered in purple vines.

Midoriya: Giovanna! What happened?!

Jean:...He's dead. Joseph Joestar is dead...

Tears streamed down his face. Not just for Joseph, but for Shizuka. She had been taken in and raised by Joseph, accepted by Suzy Q, who had died, and now Shizuka had lost the man that saved her, and taught her to be the person she was today. Jean composed himself, stood up, and kept walking.

Tsu: Jo Jo, where are you going?

Jean: I'm gonna go kill whatever son of a bitch is behind my best friend losing her father. And I'm gonna make. It. Hurt.

Midoriya and Tsu would have argued. If it had been anyone else, they would have tried to stop them. But the way Jean was acting... was terrifying.

Jean grabbed his phone, wrapped it in Hermit Purple, opened the camera app, and looked for Joseph's body. He saw him laying in the plaza, so that was where Jean was going. He saw bird brain's arm covered in blood. Joseph's blood. So that was who Jean was going to kill.

Shizuka was destroyed. She raced to the plaza, and found her father's body. She held him, with no regard to the fight going on around her. She sobbed at what had become of Joseph Joestar, holding his hand, and pleading with him to come back. But there was no response. She heard someone walking up behind her, but at this point, she didn't care.

Shigaraki: Hmmm. So this is Joestar's little brat? I expected more. No matter. Don't cry, little girl. You'll be seeing your father again soon.

Shigaraki reached down toward Shizuka's head. Then, he heard the sound of bones breaking. His arm had been snapped. Shigaraki was sent sprawling by this unforeseen attack, as he heard the voice of his attacker.

???: You've taken enough from us to last a lifetime. You're not taking anything else. Today, you die.

Shigaraki: NOMU!!!

Nomu sprang forth to attack this mystery hero. Jean had found his targets. Now it was time for them to pay.


Thunderstruck and Nomu threw a barrage of punches at one another, matching each other blow for blow. Until Nomu managed to  punch Thunderstruck right in the face. Jean felt like he'd been hit by a truck.

Shigaraki: No one can beat Nomu. He was designed to kill Allmight! He has shock absorption, and regeneration! He's the perfect anti symbol of peace. Your stand can't beat him!

Jean: Thanks for the tip, Kira junior. Shiza, NOW!

Shizuka took this as her cue, and turned herself, and Jean invisible.

Jean: This should give me just enough time.

Jean reached into his quiver, and grabbed a single arrow. He summoned Thunderstruck and stabbed it.

When Shizuka deactivated her stand, Jean was standing there, and Thunderstruck looked different. It was pure gold, had glowing red eyes, and four arms, one wrapped in purple vines, and one wrapped in green vines.

Shigaraki: What is this?

Jean: Korega... Requiem... da...

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