The UA Sports Festival Part 1

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Aizawa had announced to the class that the UA sports festival would be going on as planned, with the only change being an increase in security. Jean was weary of the situation, but he trusted the school. There was something else on his mind. A few things actually. He was learning how to use The World, and he was getting really good at it. It was never able to overpower Star Platinum during training, but it could outmaneuver and stop time for far longer. But Jean's biggest concern was the "fans" of the Joestar hero lineage.

UA has it's own public website. On it, was posted the date and time of the UA sports festival. More ill advised, was the roster of students in attendance for the first year sports festival. Including class 1-A. When people found out that two Joestars were in the class, social media went to work. People were praising Jean just for being a Joestar. Calling him a natural born hero. They did not say the same for Shizuka. Claiming that she would have to prove herself, as an adopted Joestar. Jean was pissed by people claiming that Shizuka was somehow less of a Joestar than him, but he was also upset that people wrote him off as an automatic success just because he was born with a star on his back.

Family was the most important thing in the world to Jean. Blood, however, was not. Jean's definition of family is the people around you, who raise you, and help make you who you are. He considered his uncle Polnareff to be a member of his family, while someone like DIO, was not. He wanted to show people that the blood you carry does not make you. So he decided to remind people of the blood in his own veins. All he needed was the school's approval.


It was the day of the sports festival, and Mina Ashido was excited. She was with her class in their prep room just before going out into the arena. Her entire class was present, save for one person. Jean Giovanna. She was hoping that Joestar would know were Jo Jo was.

Mina: Hey, Joestar? Do you know where Jo Jo is?

Shizuka did in fact know exactly where her cousin was. She also knew that he was doing something very important.

Shizuka: He'll be here soon.


The class was called into the arena. They saw a massive stadium full of spectators. The classes were introduced one by one, starting with the hero course, then to gen ed, business, and support. Midnight was on the stage, and she welcomed the various classes. Some little purple gremlin in the gen ed course started to drool upon her arrival. Everyone else decided to avoid him.

Midnight: And will the first year representative please come to the stage? Will everyone please welcome  Jean Pierre Giovanna!

As she said that, someone suddenly appeared on the stage. His sudden arrival surprised everyone present, except for one student, and the staff.

He was dressed in an alarming outfit, consisting of a sleeveless black skintight suit, with baggy yellow legs over them, which had pink hearts on the knees. He wore golden boots with spiked toes, a pink belt with a heart on the center, as well as two pink sashes coming down from the belt. He wore a baggy yellow crop-top jacket, with golden bracelets at the ends of the sleeves.  He had a pink headband, also with a heart in the center, and had spiky, but still somewhat long, pink hair.

The reason this outfit was so alarming, was because it was nearly identical to the outfit worn by an infamous villain who killed many people about one hundred and fifty years prior, and then again, one hundred years after that.

He was dressed up as DIO.

Sorry for the short chapter, I just wanted to build the festival up a bit. Also sorry for the amount of time between chapters. I'll try to write more frequently. But thank you for reading! What do you think so far? I would love to hear people's thoughts on the story so far. Thanks again.

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