The USJ Part 2

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Jean stood there, staring down the beast. The monster that had taken the life of Joseph Joestar. Nomu... Jean wanted to kill it. Brutally. And he had the power. He also had knowledge of the situation. Knowledge that he hadn't had before. This knowledge came from something wrapped around the arm of his stand. Hermit Purple Requiem. He didn't know how he had Hermit Purple in the first place, but he knew that was what he had. Hermit Purple's psychic abilities had been amplified by the requiem state, and now, he was flooded with information. He learned that this Nomu creature was not responsible for his cousin's death. Jean knew that this creature was nothing more than a puppet. He also knew that it was not sentient. He knew the man covered in hands, Tomura Shigaraki, as he learned his name to be, was the one who truly killed Joseph Joestar. Jean was relieved. He knew it would be wrong to kill someone, but he also knew that he wouldn't be able to stop himself. He hoped that destroying this Nomu creature would sate his thirst for revenge. That way, he would find it in himself to spare his true enemy.

Jean: Korega... Requiem... Da. In other words.... You're fucked.

Shiguraki: Nomu, kill him.

Nomu charged at Thunderstruck Requiem, only to be met with a barrage of lightning powered punches. Chunks flew off of the creature, but they started growing back. So Thunderstruck punched faster. And harder. Nomu couldn't regenerate from nothing, right? Thunderstruck Requiem punched Nomu into total oblivion. Jean gasped. He knew Requiem was powerful, but goddamn. He wasn't expecting this kind of power.

Shiguraki: Y-you.... CHEATED!!!!

Jean started to emit a menacing aura. Shiguraki got the message.

Shiguraki: Kurogiri! It's time to go!

Kurogiri: Yes sir.

Jean redirected his attention to the body of Joseph Joestar. He knew there was nothing Stayin' Alive could do to bring him back. Once, Jean had had a pet turtle. Polnareff often joked about being replaced... One day, Jean had been out to lunch with his parents, and when they returned home, the turtle was dead. It had somehow gotten out of it's tank, which was on a table in Jean's room. It had made it's way out of Jean's room, but it fell down the stairs onto the hardwood floor. Jean begged his father to heal his turtle, but when Giorno did, the turtle was still dead. Giorno explained that once something was dead, it couldn't come back.

Jean had accepted that there was nothing he could do to bring Joseph back. But that didn't stop him from trying. Jean placed his hand on Joseph's face, and they were both covered in vines. Jean could see the hole in Joseph's chest closing, but a massive wave of fatigue hit him before he got to see the job through. Jean passed out next to Joseph.


Jean's eyes snapped open. He was in a void of pure darkness. He didn't know where he was, but then he remembered what had happened at the USJ. He started to panic, but a kind voice pulled him out of his terror.

???: Don't worry. You're safe. This is a safe place. You have nothing to fear.

Jean: Where are we? Who are you?

???: In order, we are in the pocket dimension created by my stand. It is a place only two three kinds of people can enter. Stands, as parts of lost souls, the dead, and users of my stand.

Jean: Which am I?

???: You are a user of my stand. I will explain in a moment, but first, your other question. My name is Jonathan Joestar.

 My name is Jonathan Joestar

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