9. 'The war-zone'

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This will be the bonus chapter... unfortunately at morning I woke up and the news were horrific... This is about the Ukraine-crisis 


One week ago


Not literally at here USA but in European. I am afraid that the 3rd world war is gonna happen? Already this pandemic has ruined the whole world so this could just be the cherry on top of the cake. 

For two months the Russia has been planning the war against the Ukraine and I am afraid that this is really happening soon. Don't know when but soon. The USA is not sending the soldiers to Ukraine because it would be too risky. But still we are gonna support the Ukraine with the another ways. 

Present day // 2022/2/24 

Today is gonna be the very sad day. It looks like the Russia started the war against the Ukraine. Television and radio is giving those reports from Ukraine. Those horrible photos from bombed buildings and completely disturbed areas. There are at least four cities that Russia has attacked now. The world will remember this day by this sad event chain. 

WHAT COULD HAVE WE DONE? What did Ukraine do? Why decided Russia to attack? There is not a way to prevent a event like that. USA is too far away from Ukraine. But maybe there could have been an another way to get out of this difficult situation than starting a war!? Ukraine crisis has been going on since 2014 and other countries has done everything to prevent this situation, but it looks like it still was not enough! 

I am so disappointed from this situation. But still I do wish that if the war begins it would not be so painful and bloody. As long that there life the will be hope. Now when we see those scary photos and videos via news, we need to remember that for the Ukraine people those things are their life. They need to watch their back, we need to be careful and scared from the bombings and bullets. Actually we should be happy about this life, this opportunity to life as peaceful country. To be able to living and enjoy from life

The peaceful life and country is not a privilege for everyone. We need to be grateful and happy. I do hope that all of the people at Ukraine will be about to have the good night without bullets and shootings. They do deserve that <3 

Three months later...

The situation in Ukraine isn't getting  any better, not soon. Many of the cities have already been demilitarised and that is a bad thing. War costs are very big and expensive. And so many soldiers have died or wounded. Civilian live have completely been ruined by Russian army.

I know that I might look like a selfish when I do say that I am afraid I my parents are sent for fighting in Ukraine. I mean they are two of the best soldiers at USA. Two sergeants. And I know that if military asks from them They will leave at first minut because thats just how much humanity is inside of them. If they see bad in this world they are ready to defend country till the bad have been exiled.

But I am afraid that I am left alone when people all around me are leaving to war. Ofcourse I know that that is their job to do, but still... It feel unfair.

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