VIII - Last journey

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"You are to be transferred to Marineford, to Navy headquarters, where you will be executed in public."

Magellan's words echo in my head as the prison warden probes us with his eyes. If they handcuff Ace, hands out, they decide to bring my fists down behind my back, twisting my arms unceremoniously. I stifle a scream as I feel a pain shoot through my left shoulder:

"Hey, would it be too much to ask you to try to avoid breaking my bones?"

"Shut up! You criminal!"

I open my mouth to protest but end up closing it again at the last moment, swallowing my anger. I don't think that simple soldiers like them are aware of what I have done in the past, although the status of criminal may be appropriate to designate me, but it is clear that here they use it more out of habit than conviction. It is likely that they don't even know why they fear and hate me. They were told to do it so they just do it.

All the prisoners in the basement watch us pass without a word. It's almost solemn. We get into the lift. The doors close. He keeps his head down, his eyes fixed on the floor. I stand straight, looking straight ahead. No one speaks, only the clanking of the lift chain as it lifts us up.

We stop. Magellan picks up his snail phone and finally informs us of the current situation:

"You are out of luck, Straw Hat arrived at the sixth circle shortly after we left."

Ace turns around, devastated. I close my eyes and grit my teeth. Tell me it's not true... who gave us such a head of steam?!

"A minute ago, soporific gas was released in the sixth circle," says Magellan. "We'll get Straw Hat, it's only a matter of time. Obviously Ice Hell was not enough for him. Now that there's room in your cell, we'll give him special treatment until his heart gives out."

Ace and I share a look at the lift shaft, one of the only ways to get to the sixth circle safely. The guards threaten us and force us to turn away. Feverishly, I look around quickly to gauge my chances of successfully evading them. I barely have time to think when Ace has already acted. He rushes forward, knocks out several men and grabs one of their tridents. Without hesitation, I take off and land several kicks to knock down those around me. Magellan eventually overpowers us and tackles us to the ground. We can only watch helplessly as the lift gate closes. He ruthlessly lifts us up and forces us forward. Spitting out a little blood I address Ace:

"You know when I said fight, I didn't think you'd take it literally..."

My tone is bitter. He gives me a burning look:

"I wish it wasn't true... why the hell did he come! What an idiot!"

"On that we agree," I mutter. "But... knowing Luffy, it's likely that he managed to rally men to his cause. With a bit of luck he's not alone and he'll have allies to rely on to get out of here."

I speak low, so that only Ace can hear me. I hesitate to continue but I'm still worried. Knowing this jerk, he's not only going to get out of here, but it's almost certain he'll be able to land in Marineford. Getting involved in a war he doesn't understand would be just like him. I clench my fingers in the sheaths around my hands.

Finally, after a long, almost endless walk, we reach the main door. It opens slowly, letting the daylight slip into the impregnable fortress (well, impregnable, that remains to be seen given the circumstances). I squint, suddenly dazzled by the sun I haven't seen in days, since my forced departure from Sabaody. My stomach twists. I miss the archipelago, I miss my little life. Ray, Shakky, Luffy... I feel a guard pushing me in the back to force me forward. The salty ocean air hits my face and fills my nostrils, the wind whips my tangled, dusty hair with force. We slowly make our way out of the prison. They force me next to Ace, he has a look on his face that tells me nothing of value. Ahead of us, three navy ships are waiting for us to board one of them and a Vice Admiral is facing us on the bridge.

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