XX - Brothers and sister for life

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The next day, at the brigands' hideout on Mount Corvo, the brigands were surprised to discover not two but four children. After a long period of calculation, Dadan came to the conclusion that two of the children did not belong to them.

"WHO ARE THE TWO OTHER?" shouted Dadan.

Calmly Sabo introduced himself to the leader of the bandit clan without bothering to explain. Once this was done, the woman's gaze shifted to Lucia who was standing a little way back. Her eyes immediately lit up:

"Ooooh but what a cute little girl! Wait, stop, who are you?"

"My name is Lucia... madam... thank you for welcoming us here..."


Sabo's beaming face and Lucia's embarrassed smile overcame all her resistance and she finally gave in, agreeing to take in the two extra boarders. Soon the quartet became inseparable and despite the bickering and bullying, they could not keep their hands off each other. Gradually Lucia's shyness faded away to reveal a side that was much more cheeky than she let on. She began to respond to Ace, no longer letting her feet be walked on. She helped them find food, learned to better control her power, accompanied them everywhere, trained in combat with them.

The day came when Sabo revealed to them that he was the son of a noble man. For long minutes he told them about his childhood, how his parents conceived the hierarchy and the privileges offered to them, forbidding their son to leave the city.

"Ace, Luffy, Lucia... one day we will go to sea," he declared. "And we will be free! That's what I want, to travel the world and write my memoirs about our adventures! One day we'll be real pirates!"

His friends gave him their best smile in response.

"This is nothing new to me," Ace continued. "I want to become the greatest pirate in the world by winning all the battles, it's the only way for me to prove that I exist! Even if the world doesn't want to acknowledge my existence, and no matter how many people hate me. I will become a very great pirate and take my revenge on the world."

"Well said," continued Lucia who joined him at the edge of the cliff. "I'll join you guys, I want to see what's beyond that horizon. I don't want to be the strongest or the most famous, I don't care about that. What I want is to meet people, men and women who see the world differently from us. And deep down I think I would love to be able to free those who need it, to be able to do justice in my own way."

"Stop it, if Grandpa hears you he'll want to enlist in the Navy," Ace hissed at her, sticking his tongue out in disgust.

She laughed outright. On his side, Luffy rushed to stand next to her:

"Okay, well, I'll be..."

He took a deep breath and shouted his dream as the waves crashed against the cliff below. He then burst out laughing, followed by Lucia.

"Okay we all want to be pirates... but how do we do it if we all want to be captains?" asked Sabo

"Oh, stop it," interrupted Lucia, "I never said I wanted to be a pirate!"

"Of course you won't, it's not for whiny princesses," replied Ace with a mocking smile on his face.

"What did you say" exclaimed Lucia, throwing herself at him to hit him.

"Let me go of whiny princess," Ace replied, tugging at the little girl's hair.

They rolled around in the dirt for a while, bickering, before Luffy managed to pull them apart. They sat back to back on the floor, resuming their conversation about their future pirate crew.

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