V - Ace and Lucia

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The time seemed very long to Lucia, as silence suffocated the sixth basement of Impel Down. The only sounds still audible were a few sniffles and rustles of cloth from the prisoners as they tried to find a comfortable position.

"I'm sorry," Ace muttered at one point.

Lucia looked up in surprise:


"I wish we could have met again under different conditions," he replied with a downcast look. "Sorry to cause so much trouble... again."

"Stop talking," Lucia cut him off. "You're not responsible for anything concerning my fate, but if you'd listened to your captain, maybe you wouldn't be in this situation. But then again, it's like always, you think after you act. "

Ace smiled sadly. They were interrupted by the thump of heels on the cold prison floor. Uncoiling her neck to look, Lucia was stunned to discover one of the current Warlord walking towards them. In contrast, Ace was immediately suspicious, while Jinbei wore the same bewildered look as Lucia.

"Boa Hancock..." Lucia gasped.

"To what do we owe this visit from one of the Warlords?"

"I came to see for myself the face of the one who is about to start the War I am being forced to take part in."

"Can you believe this? I've seen more Warlords and Navy soldiers in the past three days than in my last 20 years of living on Earth", mumbled Lucia, chocked and ironic.

Ace clenched his jaw at the thought of what was going on outside the prison walls. On the other side of the bars, the prisoners were fervently hailing the pirate empress, shouting obscenities at her. Appalled by this behavior, Lucia pouted in disgust. The shouts of the bandits increased in fervor and even began to insult Magellan, the fearsome prison headmaster, who had come to escort the snake princess here. Of course, he did not let this affront pass and undertook to use his power, that of poison, to put an end to the existence of all these boors. Taking advantage of the confusion, Hancock approached the prisoners' cell with his face and spoke to Ace. Being too far away, Lucia could not understand anything he said, but seeing Ace's face decompose was enough for her to understand that something very serious was going on.

Once Magellan had finished his little performance, he turned to his guest:

"Go ahead, you can talk to him."

"I already did," the young woman replied curtly.

She started to leave but Ace hailed her:

"Wait! Is it true what you just told me?"

"Would I have any reason to lie to you?" she answered without looking at him.

With that, she turned on her heels and stopped after a few steps:

"One last thing, he told me that he was afraid you would be angry if you found out".

Then she left the sixth basement for good, accompanied by Magellan and the guards. Completely lost, Lucia looked at Ace as Jinbei asked her the fateful question:

"Ace, what did that woman say to you?"

"She... she told me," Ace stammered, "she told me that my little brother is here."

Without realizing it, Lucia's jaw opened wide, her eyes widened and her breath caught:

"Wh- WHAT???!"

Lucia finally took a deep breath, realising that she had stopped breathing at the news. Luffy. Luffy was in Impel Down.

"Damn it," she snarled, "there's no way one of you can catch up to the other, I swear! You really are brothers, none of you think before you act."

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