XXXXVI - Night bound

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Back on the Sunny, sitting against the mast, a sandwich prepared by Sanji in the hands, Lucia looked at the one who had embarked on the boat with them. At this precise moment, the words that Nami addressed to him reached her ears with difficulty.

She was  intrigued by his sullen expression and his closed air. There was no more trace of the amused, arrogant, pretentious rictus, that he sometimes raised two years ago. While she had found some humanity behind that cold look, she now was completely helpless. She sighed, did she really want to fight to understand. Yes, of course she did. Stop lying to yourself Lucia. It is always necessary that you meddle in the affairs of others. She nervously ran her hand over her arm, where the life link she had shared with Law a few hours ago has been. Now she had erased it, but it lingered in her memory. So did the screams. She wasn't sure how their alliance would end... this whole thing was beyond her.

Once he had boarded the ship, Law had explained to the rest of the crew that he was working on his plan and would let them know in due course. Many had winced when they heard this, hard to believe that they were allies if one of them was doing his own thing. Law was a loner obsessed with control, Lucia knew that. Joining forces with the most unpredictable crew in the world was going to cost him a lot of self-control, so he was going to want to plan and solidify everything so that things didn't get too out of hand. This was already a bit the case. In any case, things were as they were and it was also at this point that those who didn't know about their alliance had finally learned about it:

"So now we're buddies with him?" Zoro asked as seriously as he could.

"Yeah", replied Luffy, with his usual smile on his lips

"Not at all!" Responded Law

"I already told you I don't trust this guy," hissed Usopp, pointing at the pirate.

"Same thing," added Nami, "what makes us think that he won't betray us at the first opportunity?"

"Let's be clear", Law intervened exhausted, "I have as much to lose as you, even more. And nothing tells me that you're not going to let me down too, especially considering your inability to follow orders and a simple plan. The only one here that I would trust with my life without a second thought is Lucia, that's all."

The heads of all the crew members turned at the same time towards the Elementalist who blinked, a little surprised. Then she frowned, how dared him? She approached him and grabbed him by the sleeve before whispering to him:

"Come by there you, need to talk."

They isolated themselves at the front of the boat. Law leaned against the railing, a little annoyed to have been removed in this way:

"Can I know what you are playing at?" He asked her annoyed.

"I beg your pardon? Can I know what you're playing at? What was the purpose of your little act there?"

"What act? I'm just saying what is."

"What right do you have to say it like that?"

"Is that what's bothering you? That I trust you in some way?"

"No, what bothers me is that you act as if nothing had changed in two years."

He listened to her without saying anything.

"The last time we saw each other, we were on good terms, it's true, because I thought I had a pretty good idea of who you were. That you weren't a bad person. And now I find you in the middle of a story about kidnapped children, scientific experiments to annihilate an island, you are a Warlord and you steal the hearts of your enemies. I have no idea what happened in those two years, nor what your current goals are, but don't act like we are exactly the same as we were two years ago."

The Elementalist Lucia [One Piece x OC fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now