XXVII - Shattered Heart

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So the incident was over and with the island deserted, Lucia was able to set foot on dry land for the first time in weeks. Almost a month had finally passed since the end of the war in Marineford. Lying on the sand, Lucia let the sun gently warm her pale skin as she enjoyed the gentle sound of the waves washing up at her feet, leaving foam and shells behind. Her smile had not left her lips since she had come out and even now, with her eyes closed and her forearms acting as a cushion for her head, she could not help but smile. Feeling a lingering gaze on her, she didn't have to open her eyes to know that it was Law watching her again and again:

"Two options", she said, "either you've really been paid to babysit me, or I must be the first woman you've seen in years to not be able to take your eyes off me. I'm leaning towards the first option, knowing that Ikakku is still damn pretty."

"You ruin everything as soon as you open your mouth..." replied the pirate in a sullen voice.

"Thank you Trafalgar, you're not too bad yourself, if you'd learn to be a little more friendly."

She heard him sigh and thought to herself that she had never heard him laugh or even be amused. She half opened one eye to see that he was still staring at her but that his gaze was on the scar on her left hip.

"Go on, ask me the question, it's burning your tongue," she laughed, rising to sit cross-legged.

"I think you're dying to tell me," he replied.

"Mmmh not wrong," she laughed. "It's a terrible story in which I risked my life to save the lives of poor innocent kittens-"

"Did you miss a step?" Law cut her off, his eternal mocking smile on his lips.

"How dare you? I'm not as clumsy as that and it's not that that would hurt me, I remind you."

Holder of a Logia-type fruit, Lucia was insensitive to any physical harm whatsoever, with a few exceptions. Law certainly remembered that, he just wanted to provoke her a little. It seemed that their recent little altercation had changed his perception of the young woman, he was less severe, more relaxed. His tone was less dry. And that was not to her displeasure, their interactions were becoming more interesting than they had been until then.

"Anyway, if you really want to know everything, it was Ray who made this on me. A kind of hard training. I was looking for trouble that day and he reminded me who was who."

"Why does that only half surprise me..." he muttered. "You opened your mouth again instead of shutting up, is that the idea?"

"Yeah..." she admitted a little embarrassed. "Let's just say I was pretty pissed off and I said some things I shouldn't have said. I challenged him to a duel, in less than a minute it was over, I was on the floor and he was completely dominating me, ordering me to get up and manage to hold on longer. I have rarely felt more humiliated than on that day..."

"You obviously haven't learned your lesson, you still can't hold your tongue."

Lucia did not answer, one hand still on her hip, staring into space. An idea had occurred to her. She jumped to her feet:

"EH! Trafalgar," she hailed him.

"Oh no..." he feared. "Yes ?"

"Teach me!"

"Teach you what?"

"Teach me to fight! With a weapon! You're a good fighter, right? So teach me!"

He opened his eyes wide:

"You'll get hurt far too easily and, I'm telling you, I don't want to have to go back to the operating room to heal you."

"It won't happen," she hissed offended.

The Elementalist Lucia [One Piece x OC fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now