LIII - Kill or be killed

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OMG HELLO I'M ALIVE?? I'm so sorry for this hiatus of two weeks again, but believe me this time it has none to do with my motivation. I had a lot of things to deal with those past days and I had no time neither to write nor translate. I deeply apologize for it.

Therefore, now I do have a little bit more time but I'll start to work again on September so I'll have to organize myself, I can't promise anything again but I'll do my best I swear.

Anyway, I still hope you're into Lucia's story and you'll look forwards its next chapters. Take care of u all! 

Love u and have a nice reading!


Once again, the ground shifted under their feet and they could not keep their balance. Gigantic hands grabbed them and threw them out of the palace. It was a long free fall from the ramparts to the ground. Luffy inflated his body to break the fall of Viola, Kyros, Law and Riku while Lucia crashed to the ground a little further. Lying on her back, she squinted to see what was really happening. She saw long wires rising from the palace and saw Law shaking.

"It's starting..." he shuddered, "it's the cage!"

I've never seen him so scared in my life. She turned her attention back to the sky and saw with amazement that the wires were falling in an arc to encircle the whole city, the whole island certainly.

"That damned Doflamingo... will never let the truth come out... he's going to go ahead and slaughter the whole population", Law told them.

Blood. The smell of blood hit Lucia's nostrils with an unsuspected strength. With a gag refelx she bent in two, the hand on the mouth and the nose to avoid breathing this metallic air. Luffy noticed her uneasiness:

"Lucia ? Are you alright?"

Everyone turned their eyes to her as she trembled, eyes wide:

"It's a massacre... a real massacre... the people in town... they're all killing each other..."

She clenched her hands on the stone, tears in her eyes, unable to contain herself any longer. Doflamingo you scum... you'll pay. The ground began to move again.

"Again?!" exclaimed Lucia, on the ground. "Will it ever stop?"

Before their eyes, the palace broke away from the plateau they were on and began to rise out of reach. The entire city was reshaped in a particularly amazing pattern. The SMILE factory rose from the ground as well.

Once the earthquake was over, everything seemed very quiet. Doflamingo's voice echoed around the island:

"To all the inhabitants of Dressrosa... and to the visitors. Know one thing, I could have been a bully all along."

Lucia stood up while a giant screen was projected in the sky, on which appeared the face of the Warlord.

"Now that the truth burst, I suspect that many of you dream to kill me."

"Congrats champion, you found that all alone?" mumbled Lucia.

"I thus prepared you a small game", continued the pirate. "The goal of this game is simply to kill me. Don't look for me, I am in the palace. You can come, I'm waiting for you. If you succeed in killing me, then obviously the game will end. But don't be so quick, this is not the only way to win this game. I will give you a list of names, bring me their heads and you will have won. For each head I will also offer a very comfortable bounty. That's how it is, kill or be killed. Now you have all become hunters! You have only one way to save yourselves, you have to kill someone else."

"What a bastard," spat Lucia, "he's involving civilians now!"

"We're talking about Doflamingo," Law reminded her.

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