|2. The truth!|

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"Aashi! Don't show tantrums.."


Those same beautiful eyes and her magic giggles..

The woman whom he loved with his everything.

The day of their marriage, the day when they had confessed their love for each other, their new year eve dance, the karwachauth night..

A kaleidoscope of black and white memories hit Vansh and he opened his eyes wide gasping for air. He looked around to find himself.. in his room?

He breathed heavily and rubbed his eyes to wiped his unshed tears. He got up from his bed and reached out to his phone, he checked the time and realized it was night. Did he pass out or did he sleep, was everything a dream? He can never be mistaken in recognizing his wife, it was Riddhima!

He walked out of his room to his study space and saw Angre doing his work.

"Boss are you fine?" Angre asked immediately getting up on his feet.

"Angre how did I reach my room? I was at the hospital, right?" Vansh asked desperately not answering Angre's question.

"Woh Boss! I was waiting for you at the parking area and you didn't turn up, then our doctor called me and said you have fainted on the corridors.. Boss you have got a deep wound on your forehead and they had given you strong painkillers. Doctor said the painkillers are the reason you couldn't keep yourself awake.."

Angre replied and saw his boss not replying him anything and then suddenly Vansh took a vase from nearby and threw it away in anger letting it break in pieces. He then sat on the sofa palming his face. Angre didn't question him and waited patiently but when Vansh remained in the same posture for minutes, he only grew worried. He pressed his lips and decided to confess Vansh the information he had got.

"Boss!" Angre called him out but Vansh didn't look up at him and remained in the same posture. Hoping that his boss is listening Angre continued, "Boss today when I was passing from Kabir's room, I heard him telling Aryan something like he has one last memory of Riddhima Bha.."

Vansh immediately looked up at him and Angre corrected himself, "I mean Riddhima!"

"So?" Vansh asked nonchalantly

"Boss he was also telling that it reminds him that he was successful in separating you and Riddhima.."

Vansh's muscled tensed up and he clutched his hands into a fist.

"He was telling all of this by showing a paper to Aryan and then after that I managed to steal that paper from them.." Angre completed and kept a folded paper on the table that was in front of Vansh, he had still not seen it as he believed Vansh should see it first.

"Riddhima has left all her spy traits on you or what?" Vansh asked sarcastically while Angre bowed his head down. "Throw them away, I don't want to know anything about her!"

"But boss please you once.." Angre started but seeing Vansh's straight face he knew he cannot convince him. "Think about it boss!" Angre said and walked away from there.

Vansh looked at the paper in front of him for few minutes and then took it and unfolded it.. one glance and he knew it was his sweetheart's handwriting.

He read the contents on the paper and the pain building inside him was terrible. He finished reading it and dropped his head back, she had written about how she was sent by Kabir and she wanted to send him behind the bars. Her initial intentions, her change of heart, her love for him.. everything. A dim memory crossed his mind,

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