Masters' fight

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"I call upon Eighth Sniper!" I shouted, bringing the mage to the front lines.

My opponent but her lip, drawing beads of blood. "Then I shall choose Irina Clockworker!" she exclaimed excitedly.

I cracked my knuckles and laughed. "How lowly of you, "Red Mage." I will destroy you!"

"Try it, Clown! I have the stronger army." She grinned evilly. Strands of red hair escaped the brim of her hat, which was pulled low over her face. I just barely could see two gleaming eyes.

I selected another hero. "Second Dealer, come forth!"

"Seventh Magician, aid me!"

"Third Sleep Princess, lend me your strength!"

"First Sinner, obey me!"

I gasped in surprise as the woman stepped out of the shadows. She wasn't intimidating in the least, which made her even scarier.

"I call forth the Master of the Graveyard!"

The girl opposite me inhaled sharply as a woman appeared. A giant skeleton burst from the ground, crawling towards her army.

Biting her lip again, the "Red Mage" began to tremble. "Uh, Master of the Hellish Yard, help me!" Her cries of desperation made me laugh maniacally.

"Oh no, you don't. Awaken, Master of the Court! Aid me, Master of the Heavenly Yard!"

"No!" The girl shrieked. She threw down the gaming device and buried her hand in her hands.

Laughing, I got to pat Himiko on the back. "There, there. It's okay. I just beat you, that's all." She wailed. I laughed even harder. "C'mon, let's see you will actually win the fight."

"I hate this game! I hate it!" she cried.

We had been playing Evillious: Tales of Sin, and I had been beating her. To be fair, I had spent many late nights grinding to get more characters. My main character was Lemy Abelard, while hers was Nemesis Sudou. Thinking on it, I had no idea why she didn't choose her right away.

Himiko still sobbed into the table as I prepared the games again. Once done, I slid her phone towards her, hoping she continued.

She did. The operatic chorus began once again.


"Alright, let's go. This time, let's not get so into it." I said. She moaned in reply.

My characters—Lemy, Margarita, Gumillia, Kaspar, Graveyard, Court, and Behemo—all began to fight her characters. Everyone had special attacks and abilities, which kept the game interesting.

However, Himiko had Eve, which meant the battle could be in anyone's favor. Eve was an unpredictable character. But if the other player used Meta, the battle was already over. Since, canonically, Eve had killed Meta, the battle was never fair. It was only if the opponent had Hansel, Gretel, or both on their team could it truly be 50/50. And neither of us had those two gremlins. So that was wonderful.

  Himiko studied her game closely, looking for any area she could attack. For a normally sleepy and quiet mage, she could be merciless when we played games together.

  "I'll use Grim the End to attack Lemy," she stated coldly. I fake-shuddered.

  "How cruel." I watched my main get shot with bullets.

  "And then I'll use Gift to take out Kaspar," she said. I observed quietly as Eve blew some dust at the man in a kissing motion.

  I groaned. "C'mon, we're friends. Stop killing me."

  For a second she looked guilty. Then I used Behemo to kill Elluka and Irina, which was absolutely hilarious. She screamed in rage, and then she threw her phone down again.

  "I'm done! I'm so done with you, Kokichi! Go screw yourself! I'm done!" she shrieked angrily.

  I snorted with laughter and turned off the games. "Whatever you say, darling."

  She buried her face in her arms again and just cried.


  No lie, I woke up at 2AM, panicked, and wrote this. To @Rowenlife, sorry it took so long. I forgot many times.

  I know this was short, but I think it's cute.



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