Regret Message

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The waves lapped at the shore, and the streets were filled with uncomfortably loud chatter. I kept close to Kyoko; the older girl led the way. "Remind me where it is we're going?" I asked her. She didn't say anything for a few minutes. Rolling my eyes, I huffed and kept close on her heels.

"You could at least spare me an answer you know." My stomach rumbled. "Or can I at least get something to eat? It's been hours since I last ate."

"You've been even hungrier lately. Is something wrong?" Kyoko asked. The waves sounded louder now for some reason. I needed a bottle. And paper. And food. Nonetheless, I don't answer, just as she never answered me. The sight of the ocean took my breath away.

'Bright skies, warm sand, and a dark figure looming over us. Kato didn't look too surprised, even though terror raced through me. "Do you children have any food?" The woman asked us. I shook my head as tears threatened to fall. But Kato held out his hand, the brioche shining under the harsh sun. The woman took it and snapped it down.

'She wore a red dress, and she had long brown hair, and red eyes. Kato wasn't afraid of her at all. The wind blew my dress every which way. The demon-woman smiled at us. Then, looking at my brother, she said something. "Since you were kind enough to share your snack, I'll share with you a secret. Don't tell you sister."

'Then, bending down, she whispered so softly I couldn't hear. He nodded, his face in a stubborn pout. Then, with a bone-chilling smile, she turned into smoke and headed straight for me.'

"Kae?" Kyoko looked at me, snapping her fingers in my face. The soft sound brought me back. My head was pounding, and my stomach rumbled even louder. "You ok?" I nodded, tears very nearly spilling over.

"I'll be right back!" With those words, I ran off, leaving the bewildered girl to stare after me. Fleeing the inner circle of the market, I headed to where bottle were sold. Angie was in her usual seat, looking excited as I approached. "I'll take one bottle please." She nodded.

"Anything else?"

"Paper, if you have it." Angie nodded again, and began rummaging through her many objects. Along with bottles, she sold just about anything.

She emerged triumphantly, holding up a wishing bottle. "Two livres, please!" I handed over the money, grabbed the bottle and paper, then bolted. If Kyoko knew where I was, she'd never allow me to go to the sea.

My feet took me to the shore, the water lapping close to me. I ignored it. Once upon a time, I would have never been this close but, things change. Taking out my quill, I scribbled my message on the paper, rolled it up, and stuck it in the bottle. Putting the cork in, I held it to my chest and closed my eyes.

  'Far away, at the shore, in a town beside the sea
  Alone stands a girl, staring longing
  It is here at the shore
  That she holds unto her chest
  A secret she dare never speak...'
  With a deep breath, I whispered the words Kato had told me.

  "If you write a wish upon a paper and you place
  It into a glass bottle
  And it's washed away by the ocean
  Then someday
  There's a chance that it may just come true.."

  I shook my head, then threw it as far as I could. The little wishing bottle floated away, tiny ripples behind it. Tears formed yet again and I simply watched it.

  'Drifting farther away
  Riding swiftly on the waves
A message containing a wish was made
  Heading steadily towards the horizon
  And gradually fading away....'

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