Alice Human Sacrifice

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'Once upon a time, there was a tiny, little dream...'

'The person who had dreamt the dream is unknown, and it was really was such a small dream.'

'The little dream started to think, "I don't ever want to disappear; how can the people dream of me?"'

'The tiny little dream thought and thought, and finally, it came up with an idea!'

'"I will make the humans come to me...and then they will create my world......"'

'The first Alice was a wrathful woman of the spade.
And righteously, she held a sharpened blade within her hand.'

The young woman with dark brown twin-tails stalked through the words, her hands wrapped so tightly around her sword, that they were turning white. A Spade marking shone brightly on her cheek. Licking her lips, she smiled as she spotted some laughing flowers.

'Never hesitating to slay all within her way.
Creating paths of blood that followed her through Wonderland.'

Laughing as madness took its hold on her, she swung the sword with a practiced ease. The flower heads fell off, and turned grayish. Her eyes had swirls in them, and her head tilted as a bandersnatch lumbered into view. Flying at it, Maki, the first ALICE, clutched her sword even tighter.

The hideous thing squealed, but charged at her. She sliced its nose, and it gave a cry of pain. Her laughter was now uncontrollable. Those swirls, those awful swirls, seemed to glow. The red dress she was wearing was drenched in blood, as she beheaded the poor thing.

Blood got on her mouth, and she tasted it. 'What about human blood?' Now with a question that needed answering, she headed off to find her next target. A bright red, bloody path followed in her wake.

'Deep into the darkened forest, Alice walked the line.
Captured and imprisoned as an embodiment of Sin.'

With a laugh as carefree as a kit's, Maki found her target, a Cheshire boy named Kokichi. He put up a fight, but he would have never been a match for her. Very soon, he lay dead, in the woods. She dipped her finger in his blood, and tasted it. "Very good." Her stomach began to hurt. "I need more..." she moaned, putting a hand to her stomach.

Maki fell down, and something crept up behind her. Her dress tore in the back, and she started to cough up blood. "More, more, give me mmmmmoooorrrreeeee!"

Looking at herself, and her pitiful body, she couldn't help herself. Laughter escaped her, escalating 'til it was the only sound anyone could hear for miles.

Getting up, she made way into the forest. If only she wasn't starving. Then she might have seen the vines. Thick, black, thorny vines headed for her. They captured her, wrapping her up. Maki gasped in horror. Reaching for her sword, she found she couldn't take hold of it. Tears ran down her face and dripped into her mouth.

One vine covered her mouth, it's thorns poking in, and she tasted blood. Her blood. Swallowing it, she found it didn't comfort her like it would have mere minutes ago. She begged and pleaded silently, but no god answered her plea. This, you see, was the first ALICE's punishment.

'If it were not for the murderous wake left behind.
No one would have suspected that she had ever been.'


'The second Alice was a fragile man of the diamond.'

Shuichi stood in the Diamond Town Square, hand over his heart, pouring notes out. Her partner, Kaede, was close by, playing her piano with such brilliant skill. His Diamond marking was on his hand, it's bright blue color glowing in the fading light. Many people gathered 'round, listening to his birdsong.

'The broken echo of the lies within demented words.'

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