Scared to lose you Maki X Kaito

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  I opened the door carefully. Peering inside, I couldn't stop a sigh from escaping. That idiot sat inside. Kaito.

  He sat on the bed, and was looking around. Then he saw me. "Maki..?" His voice was hesitant and confused. It was then that I saw the tears.

  "Kaito? What are you doing he-" I couldn't finish. He sprang of the bed and ran towards me, engulfing me in a hug.

  "God, I was so scared! I thought you were never coming back!" Kaito's arms were crushing me. I inhaled jaggedly, and released a shaky breath.

  "What's wrong?" I asked slowly. But he just sobbed. My own emotions began to show. I felt tears drip down my face. "Kaito what happened?"

  He let out a sob then looked at me. "You left the house, and you said you were going to the airport. I thought you were picking up Rantaro, but Shuichi and Kaede did. You never came back!" He couldn't keep it together.

  I was used to little kids crying, but this was different. Sitting down next to him, I rubbed comforting circles on his back. He continued in a few seconds.

  "I called you, but you never picked up. I called everyone else, but they never saw you. It turned into night time, and you were still gone. Shuichi came over. So did Kaede. And those two, Makoto and Kyoko. They all came over to try to figure out what happened."

  "And?" I prompted. When a kid was crying, ask them questions like "what color are your shoes?" It gets them to focus on something else. So I was trying to get him to stop crying.

  "Nothing! We couldn't figure it out! You were gone for days Maki! DAYS!" Kaito kept falling apart. Sobs shook his entire frame, and I felt helpless.

  "It was two months later." I almost fell over. His tone had changed. It was solemn. I froze. "They found the corpses of the Holy Salvation Society. Every single member was dead. No one had been spared. They had gone to war with a Yakuza clan. That kid, Fuyuhiko, it was his family." I nodded.

  Fuyuhiko and his bodyguard, Peko had been targets of the cult I "belonged" to. One of my missions was to kill his parents. I succeeded. The orphanage received triple the amount promised.

  "And, there was a girl who looked like you Maki. She could have been your twin. I thought... I thought you were dead." He looked at me with dark and sad eyes.

  "I never go to tell you how I felt. And I regretted that I couldn't. But here you are. Where did you go?!"

  Now it was my turn. "I was on a job. In America. I had to kill a man while stuck in a circus trapped in time. The plan was to get locked into a competition a with him. Then I simply had to kill him. Because it was a trap, the others wouldn't think too much of it." I sighed. I hated this job, and I never felt human at each job I took.

  The Society knew this, and deliberately forced me to keep taking jobs. The less human I felt, the better. Kaito pulled me into a hug. I didn't squirm.

  "I'm sorry Kaito. But I couldn't just walk away." I whispered softly. He ran his hands through my hair, in an attempt to calm himself. I felt his hands stray down, towards my body. They wrapped around my waist, and then returned to hugging me.

  "I was so scared Maki Roll. I was awake at night, so scared that I was going to lose you. I couldn't take it. If you hadn't returned, I-I don't know what I would have done." He confessed. Then, with a strange noise, the lights in the room went out. He shrieked, buried himself in me. Or he tried to.

  "It's ok, I'm here. You're safe." Next thing I knew, I was pinned to the bed. "What are you doing?" I gasped out.

  He was on top of me, but I sensed no malice or impure intent. "You're really here right? I'm not dreaming right?" Kaito asked me. I nodded as best as I could.

  "I'm here. You're not dreaming."

  "Prove it."

  And I did. I proved that I wasn't a ghost. Even if I moaned and screamed, I wasn't a ghost. Kaito knew that, but he wanted to continue, so we did. I don't know when we stopped. It was in the ungodly hours of the morning, I think. But, it was amazing. Blissful, dream-like. All of those words and more. For once in my entire life, I felt human.

. • .

  "Maki!" Shuichi exclaimed in surprise. I stood in front of him and Kaede. The other girl was practically crying. "You're back! I-we were so worried! What happened?"

  "It was chaos. I can't explain it here." Was all I said. Even I was smiling. Last night felt like a dream. Maybe it was.

  "I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE HERE!!" Kaede burst out into full tears. She hugged me so tightly, I couldn't breathe properly. Shuichi joined in. It was uncomfortable at first, but I knew I needed someone's touch. I was so touch-starved, even a trap hug felt amazing.

  "I'm sorry I disappeared. That was not my intention."

  "Well you're back. But you need to tell us, or else!" Kaede threats me playfully. Shuichi just smiled at me. First Kaito, now these two. Did I really have three amazing friends? "I thought we had lost you! God, it's wonderful you're back!"

  "Thank you."

. • .

  Everyone had questions for me. Even the students from the two upper classes. So I explained as much as I could. Many details I didn't remember, but I didn't bother with them. They were useless to me anyway.

  "Wow, I never thought I'd say this, but I'm almost glad you're back Maki. Mukuro over here was sad you had disappeared. Right Mukuro?" Junko said, pestering her sister. The soldier looked flustered.

  She knew my talent, all of them did. Kokichi, that gremlin, had spilled it to all of them. But she was glad that we had similar talents. That led to us talking often. When I wasn't with my friends that was. Even Junko was glad I was back. And that said something. Even if she didn't show it as much, I could tell. And yet, no one was happier than Kaito.

  I felt my eyes burn and sting. "I'm going to my dorm. Sorry everyone. I feel as if I haven't slept well." As I finished my sentence, I glanced at Kaito. "Especially last night. Something kept me up." His face flushed in embarrassment.

  They complained, but said their goodbyes. As I walked out, Kaito followed me out. "Up for Round Two?" He asked. I batted at him playfully.

  "Nah, I'm pretty tired. Maybe a different time."

  "And you're pretty." He mumbled. I felt my face go warm.

  "Oh shut it you." There was no malice behind my words. "Let's just get back. Standing and walking is tiring."


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