Evil Food Eater Harukawa

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Hello! Are you new to Graveyard? If so, I'm...Waiter, and I'll be the one to serve you. Hmm, what's this? You want to know about Maki Harukawa? So, you're not just here for the food, then. Well, good news: I tell this story a lot. I mean, I know it by heart!

Get settled in, because you won't leave after this!


"Come, eat without leaving anything."

'In a corrupted mansion with a rotten stench hanging in the air
Today as well the last supper begins'

The young girl snuck through the open window, as an awful scent hit her nose. The thick, musky scent of rotting something. Coughing a bit, she covered her nose and tried not to choke. Wandering around the manor, she slipped through the rooms with an intent. All this girl had to do was find a wineglass. Then, she was out of here! But, where could it have been? That was her only qualm.

Gazing around, she saw a red door, and headed towards it. "Come on, Hina, you can do this!" This young girl's voice was small, but she did her best to keep her own spirits high. Pushing it open as gently as she could, Hina slipped through it as well. It led to a balcony. Who has a balcony indoors? Hina peered over it, curious about what was on the other side.

Big mistake.

What she had seen.....

It made her run from the manor as fast as she could, abandoning the mission given to her. It wasn't worth it. No matter how much Hina was getting paid, it didn't matter. As soon as she was off the manor grounds, she spotted a cliff. Running at full speed, Hina threw herself off, not caring about her own job. 'I'm sorry, Platonic. I hope you fare better than me....' was her last thought as she hit the water, sinking below the waves like a stone.


'With numerous foods that could make anyone's hair stand on end
  Is the lone smile of a woman looking to eat...'

The young, brown haired woman sat at her dining table; two young looking servants were coming and going from the kitchen. "Oh, Kaede, Kai, please do hurry. I am getting ever so hungry."

"Ok, Lady Maki!" came the twins response. She smiled when she saw them. In the corner of her eye, she saw someone slip in from the door. A young man, world renowned chef, Rantaro Amami, headed towards her.

"I quit," he whispered to her, trying to not make a scene. His pale green eyes met her blood red. Those red eyes flicked to one side, and gleeful cackles arose. Those twins....he hadn't seen them at all.

They descended onto him, hands reaching and grabbing his body. His scream filled the air as he was dragged towards the kitchen.

Kaede's pretty voice filled the air. "Dinner will be done in a bit, Lady Maki!" The woman smiled again, it had faded when the man tried to quit. Blood left a trail leading to said kitchen. Kai's insane giggles made the scene even more terrifying. Rantaro screamed his last scream, took his last breath, and internally prayed to someone. 'I'm sorry, Kirumi. I'm not coming home after all.'

'Her name is Maki Harukawa
Formerly a master of this land's gourmet foods.'

"Ziz-tiama with a side of traitor!" the twins announced cheerfully as they placed the dishes down. Kaede stood on the woman's right, while Kai stood on her left. A peaceful look fell over the her face as she bit into her meal.

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