10: Saved

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|| Bonnie's POV ||

"Just out of curiosity, why had you never tried this before?" Sun asks as we lift a heavy chunk of garbage out of the way. "Oh, I was far too weak to do anything at the time. I tried at least once every week with no luck. I eventually gave up," I reply, helping him throw the garbage off to the side. We've managed to make a lot of progress and we can almost access the door now. I sigh as I sit down. "Let's take a break..," I suggest, wiping my forehead. He nods and sits down next to me.

  "Did your legs heal? Or are they still partially broken?" Sun asks me as I pop open a can of Fizzy Faz. "They sort of healed, but not properly. It hurts when I walk, but for the most part I'm fine." Sun hummed and leaned back until he was flat on the ground. "I wonder how they'll think of me after this..," Sun says out loud, staring at the ceiling. "Well they'll either hate you, like you, or feel the same way as they did prior to now."

After taking a short break to regain some strength, we go back to moving trash. "Have you ever seen Wall-E? It's my favorite movie, and this reminds me of the part where they go into the trash and Wall-E is very damaged," I asked. "Oh, it's my favorite, too! Also I see what you mean by that. I guess that's kind of funny," he replies, chuckling. Eventually, we finally cleared out enough to open the door. Unfortunately, it was locked. And the lock was broken so we can't unlock it. "WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN?!" I hear Sun yell, coving his face with his hands as he looked up.

"Hey, we'll figure something out, alright?" I assure him. He just looks at me and sighs. Then his face lit up. "What's on the other side of this door?" he questions me, keeping his eyes on the door. "Uhhh I think it's a hallway. Then there's an elevator." After I said that, he thought for a moment. He then rammed into the door. I stared at him, shocked. "What are you doing..?" I cautiously ask. "Im trying... to bust... the door... open!" He kept ramming into the door. It looked like it was working, but I didn't want him to hurt himself. "Sun you should probably sto-" before I finished, he rammed into the door- headfirst -and it flung open. He fell to the ground while he started to bleed. "SUN! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" I yell, running over to him. He was unconscious, but not dead. I sighed of relief and picked him up. I then sprinted over to the elevator. I quickly pressed the button that brings us up and we ascended to the main floor.

|| DJ's POV ||

Everyone was talking outside the kitchen door about how to get the two back since they were still alive. I then heard a loud banging noise coming from the elevator. "Do you hear that?" I ask. We all then cautiously went over to see what it was. The noise stopped. Suddenly, the elevator began to work and it was heading up. Everyone was dead silent. The elevator made a dinging noise. As the doors slowly opened, there he stood. Bonnie was carrying Sun in his arms. Sun's head was bleeding and his leg looked like shit. "Oh... oh my god..," I whisper. "Are you two alright? What happened to him?" I ask as I rush over to take Sun from Bonnie's arms. "He... uh... he rammed into the door until it opened. I tried to stop him, but by the time I tried it already opened and he fell to the floor. He's alive but unconscious."

We all go as fast as we could to the medical area so we could treat the two of them. Bonnie's legs were mostly okay, but they didn't heal properly and there was an infection. We cleaned the wounds thoroughly, put some medicine on them, and carefully wrapped them up. As for Sun, he was really fucked up. He had bruises, cuts, and other exposed wounds. His right leg and left arm were broken, so we had to somehow deal with that. We did the same thing to his leg that we did with Bonnie's. We managed to pop his arm back in place so it could heal, then did the same process as we did with the leg. His head... was severely damaged. We tried our best to clean it up and did the best we could to patch it. We then took off his shirt and dabbed the wounds with rubbing alcohol and bandaged up his torso. I told them I'd have him sleep with me so then I could take care of him.

Since the Pizzaplex had shut down due to what happened with Sun, we had some time off. Nobody was allowed in or out of the mall. Just to make sure he's okay, I frequently checked up on him to see how he was doing. He would hum in his sleep a lot, as well as mumble things like "I'm sorry" and "I didn't mean to". Of course, I didn't question it. I got a chair out from my closet (don't ask why it was there) and sat down next to Sun. I then closed my eyes and fell asleep.

|| Sun's POV ||

I opened my eyes slightly to see that is wasn't in the basement anymore. Nor was I in my room. I tried sitting up, but everything hurt. I looked down at myself to see my chest was wrapped in bandages. My arm and leg were as well. Speaking of legs, I was only in boxers. I decided the best thing to do right now was just lay back down. I looked to my right to see DJ in a chair. "DJ?" I said in a hoarse voice. He opened an eye to see that I was looking at him. "Where am I?" He just stared at me in shock. "Are you alright? Did I say something wrong?" I ask, not trying to upset him. "Sun?" he says in a quiet voice. "We thought you had actually died! Are you okay? Do you need anything?" He rushes over to me and hugs me. "Ohgodthathurtsreallybad-"

  "Sorry, I'm just so happy to see that you're okay." "Is Bonnie alright? Please tell me he's alright and I didn't waste my time trying to save him..," "He's okay, don't worry." I sigh in relief. I tried sitting up again, but this time, DJ helped me. I look at him then down at my legs. I then began to sob.

Word count: 1123

I'm on really on a roll. I posted like- a few chapters of at or around 1000 words each in like... last night and this morning. I should stop but I can't. 🥲

[07•07•22] I edited this chapter some 😀👍

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