5: Slumber Party

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   "No, I'm not wasting my time on you shitheads," Moon replies, turning away and probably heading to our room. "LANGUAGE!" I shouted. "Yeah yeah, whatever." Well now that that's been taken care of... we can finally go. I tug DJ's arm, trying to take him back to the others. He then scooped me up like I was nothing and casually kept walking. My brain just stopped working. Then I finally ask, "Do I even weigh anything to you?" "No," he says, "it's like holding a couple of grapes." It took us about five to six minutes to get back to the others. Right before we got there I asked if he could put me down. I didn't want to embarrass myself. Then, Freddy noticed me.

   "Hello, Sun and DJ!" he says cheerfully. "Seriously? You invited him?" Roxanne asks Chica, visibly annoyed. "Chill out, Roxy. He's our friend, so we shouldn't leave him out of activities like this," Chica replies in a slightly angry tone. Montgomery looked over and rolled his eyes. "Oh, I can just leave..," I suggest while taking a step back. Maybe being here wasn't the best idea after all... "No no no, you can stay! Roxy is just being sour," Chica tells me, glaring at Roxanne, who just scoffed and sat down at a table that had some food on it. This looked like one of those parties students would throw where everybody is dancing and having fun. I was never really invited to those, though. But that's why this made me happy and why I agreed to go.

   A few hours had probably passed, and everyone was probably extremely tired. Roxanne and Montgomery refused to talk to me, but the others were happy to. Eventually, DJ decided to sit against a wall and closed his eyes. Since everyone else was passed out, I thought I should get some sleep, too. I didn't want to sleep alone, so I went over to DJ. "Hey, DJ?" I said very quietly, but loud enough for him to hear me. He hummed? Opening one of his eyes. "Oh sorry, did I wake you?" I asked, a bit nervous. "Nah, you're good. Do you need something?" he replies.

  "Uh.., yeah actually. Do you think I could maybe sort of uhm... sleep next to you? IfyoudontmindoranythingbecauseitscompletelyuptoyouandIdontwanttoupsetyou-" I was interrupted by DJ pulling me closer to him. "Calm down, you can sleep with me," he says, putting his arm around my shoulder. The sudden action shocked me, but I closed my eyes and dozed off.

{{One eternity later...}}

   "Oh my god, Roxy, look! I'm definitely getting a picture of this"

   "What's got you all riled up-"

   "You know what? I have an idea. Come help me move Sun."

   "What? Why? He's fine where he is."

   "Ugh, stop questioning me and just help me."

   "Hmph, fine."

   "Woah, he's way lighter than I thought."

   "Yeah, he's also very sensitive. He keeps flinching"

      "Lets go before we're caught!"

   I had woken up, but refused to open my eyes and accept my awakening. It was also really warm and comfy and- wait, I'm not in my room... oh dear. I opened my eyes slowly to see I was laying on top DJ. "Oh my-" I cut myself off, seeing him move a bit. I shut my eyes, hoping he'd think I was still asleep. I could've sworn I had been next to him when I fell asleep. I heard DJ chuckle and then rubbed the back of my neck. "I know you're awake, sunshine." I feel my face heat up. "H-how did you know?" I ask, genuinely curious. "Well, you were breathing really quickly and I can feel your heart rate getting faster." "Oh." "Uh, if you don't mind..." "Right, sorry-" I hurry and get up off of him. "Could've just said you wanted to lay on me, y'know," he says, grinning. "HEY, THAT WASN'T ME, OKAY?!" I shouted, my face beet red and hotter than fire. DJ chuckled. "Seriously! Either I accidentally rolled onto you in my sleep or someone moved me on top of you." He thought for a moment. "Oh, I didn't even think of that."

He helped me clean up the mess and we parted our ways. I went back to Moon and I's room to go take a nap because I was still very tired. I fell to the floor and closed my eyes, trying to take a nap. After what felt like a few minutes, I feel something poking my head. I swat it away, trying to fall back asleep. Then it kicked me. "OW! What the-" I stopped myself, looking up at Moon. "Your boyfriend's here for you," he says. Boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend. I'm not even gay!... I think. I get up, stretch, and head down the ladder to be greeted with DJ. "Hey... what're you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the arcade?" I ask. "No? My shift ended a few minutes ago," he replies. I try to process what he said. "Uhhh...What?" "My shift is over. We're closing." I think for a moment. "OH- I didn't know," I say, chuckling nervously. "What time did you think it was?" "7:50 or something. I thought I took a nap for a few minutes, but I guess not." He just stared at me then shook his head. Did I say something upsetting? Hopefully not...

   After some time, DJ and I headed to the arcade to play games and chat with each other. I then remembered something I've been meaning to ask him. "Why do Roxanne and Montgomery hate me? Did I do something wrong?" I look him in the eye as his smile faded away. "We had... an incident." This worried me. "What kind of incident?" I ask quietly. "The kinda of incident where one of your friend kills your other friend due to jealousy." I hummed nervously. DJ noticed this and sighed. "Let me explain what happened..."

Word count: 993

I decided to rewrite a bunch of this chapter because I just wasn't satisfied with it and it made no sense whatsoever.

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