6: The Incident

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|| No POV ||

   Everyday the group of six would go out at night to go get something to eat and chat and do fun things together. Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Roxy, Monty, and Jewel. Jewel was the current daycare attendant, and they all saw her as family. One day, however, changed them forever. You see, Freddy and Bonnie are extremely close to each other. They're inseparable, even. Jewel hated that. She hated Bonnie, the lead guitarist. She wanted to be in his place. Best friends with Freddy while as being the new lead guitarist. Everyone would think she's amazing... even Freddy himself. She needed Bonnie gone.

Jewel needed a plan. She could get Bonnie to go into the basement levels where she could force him into the trash compactor. Or she could get Monty to hate him so much that he snaps at him, causing him to be mortally injured. Or she could run into him with a go-kart, crushing his ribs and most his organs. There are so many options, but she can only choose one. Monty and Bonnie are good friends, so it'd be hard to convince Monty to hate him. It would be really difficult to get Bonnie to stand in the middle of Roxy Raceway without raising suspicion. So, the trash compactor plan was the best plan she had.

She started off by writing letters from an anonymous to Bonnie for them to go meet in the basement kitchen. He never went where the letters said to go- that one kitchen -because he thought it was a sketchy request. So, Jewel had to edit her plan. That just wouldn't work. She then waited a while for Bonnie to forget the letters so she could move on. She had a better idea that just might work.

   All she had to do was lie to Bonnie and say that the boss said for Jewel and him to go clean that one kitchen with the compactor. When she told him, he reluctantly followed her to said kitchen. It's dark and dirty because nobody goes there anymore. That part is irrelevant. The girl then grabbed one of the pans and snook up on Bonnie. She then whacked him as hard as she could, hoping he would either die or go unconscious. He fell to the floor, but when Jewel checked, he still had a pulse. She dragged him over to the trash compactor and tried to figure out how to turn it on.

   Apparently, Bonnie wasn't actually knocked out so he tried getting up. But by then, Jewel figured out how it worked and got it to start going. Fortunately for Bonnie, there was something stuck in the way, slowing it down, but not enough. He got half of his body through when the object holding it up snapped. It came down, giving no time to react, and squashed most of the lower half of his body. He let out an ear piercing cry as it crushed his bones. It then lifted as the floor below it opened. Bonnie grabbed onto the open side, hanging on for dear life. "Please," he started, "don't do this..." Jewel, not saying anything, stomped on his fingers, making him fall into the dark, yelling as he fell. She then brushed herself off and went back to the others.

"Where is he?" Freddy asked, worried. "Oh, he's a bit... busy. But, you have me! So don't worry," Jewel replied, hugging Freddy. But he pushed her away. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO BONNIE?!" he yelled, tears in his eyes. "Oh calm down, I just shoved him into the trash compa-" Jewel was cut off by Freddy shoving her into the wall. They then had a fight until the others came. "What is going on here!?" Chica shouted, causing the two to stop fighting and turn their heads. "SHE KILLED BONNIE! SHE SHOVED HIM INTO THE TRASH COMPACTOR!" Freddy shouted, burning with rage. They all stared in disbelief."But... why would you do that? He was our friend!" Monty said, his voice shaking. There were loud sirens blaring outside the entrance. Then, some police walked in. Roxy had called the cops.

One of the officers were questioning all of them. They then looked into security cameras. It showed Jewel and Bonnie walking into the kitchen, but only Jewel coming out. Putting all the evidence together, the officers arrested Jewel. That's the last time they ever saw Jewel. Roxanne became very toxic to everyone, and Montgomery held a hatred toward all future daycare attendants. He thought that all of them were like that. "So yeah, that's why they don't like you. It's not really about you specifically, it's just that you're the daycare attendant," DJ said to Sun, rubbing the back of his neck. Sun just stared at him as he tried to process what he had just heard.

"So there weren't always four of you?" Sun questioned, awaiting an answer. "No, there were six before Jewel. One of them left so he could start an acting career," DJ replied. Sun hummed, looking down and thinking. 'Maybe I could try to see if he's still alive. Then I could bring him back and they wouldn't hate me anymore..,' Sun had thought. "Wait, why hasn't anyone tried looking for him?" "The basement is off limits and you need a certain keycard to get there. The only other way is through the trash compactor, but it's far too risky."

DJ told Sun not to worry and that it happened a while ago. Sun nodded, but still felt really bad. He isn't upset about being hated, but about how Bonnie went out. He thinks that he is somehow still alive, though. It's a strange feeling, but it's there, and he doesn't know why. So now he has one main goal: Get Bonnie back.

Word count: 969

Ajsjsjakznsmmskan short chapter

[[OLD]] 🎶 Music and Sunshine ☀️ |~| Sundrop x DJ Music ManTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon