Chapter 8: Trash

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Recap: As I walked around the room I noticed that I was in a backroom to something, I don't know what yet...maybe this was a bad idea....

I wanna go back to Moony and Sunny...


I stared into the dark hallways, clutching onto the plushies for dear as I slowly walked down it, just when I was about to grab the door handle I was startled by the sound of a notification on the watch. Looking down at the screen I groan in agitation when I read the message.

I needed some sort of Mystery Monty mix for ice cream or something...I didn't pay attention to the full message, I guess I'm just going to wait here for Gregory with the mix.

(The amount of comments I'm reading about the mother in that sussy chapter is hilarious. The gesture is the middle finger, you're like a young sheltered child so you had no idea what swearing or gestures meant. The sheer number of people who assumed she was a pedo made me laugh my as off, anyways thx for reading my AN, please continue your chapter)

I heard the light tapping of shoes on the tiles, before I could even turn around I was tackled to the floor and the sound of a bag dropping was heard.

"Ouch... who.. oh it's just you Y/n, why are you here alone? Where's sun or moon?" Gregory's voice asked as I felt myself getting picked up off the floor.

"Uh- they're not really happy right now... so I'm giving them space like what mama taught me." I replied to Gregory while picking up my plushies up from the floor.

"Ah- I don't know if that's good or not but nevermind, do you want to get Chica with me?" He asks me while he picked up his flashlight.

I nodded quickly and held his hand tight, still scared of the dark.  He gives me a reassured squeeze before we walked inside the kitchen, avoiding the bots, placing the mix down in a strange looking trash filled area then we hid in the dark.

I felt eyes on me, trying my best to act normal despite trembling I turned around and was met with red eyes. It made no noise, I let go of Gregory who was distracted watching Chica and reached to touch the red eyes's face. I was expecting to get attacked the moment my hands made contact with the smooth plastic that I now recognized, this was Moon. Still holding his face I hesitated to speak.

"M-Moon? Are you okay now?" I waited for his response but he suddenly pulled away and I was left in the dark, alone.

Panic setting in once again I rushed over to Gregory who was going to shove Chica.

I didn't make it in time. I watched in horror as Chica was smashed and Gregory was pulled inside the trash thingy with her, I quickly sprinted and jumped down to help Gregory only to get yanked backwards right before the trash thingy shut down. Feeling hands gripping my torso tightly to the point where it was hurting.

"M-Moony...that hurts! Let go!" I squirmed in his grip which only tightened.

"Nighty Night~" He spoke as his grip just kept getting tighter and tighter.

I screamed in pain, the loud echo rung throughout the room, I heard loud heavy footsteps rushing over.

"You are nothing!" A wolf said as she stalked closer.

"You can hide, but you can't hide." Said Monty as he closed in.

Tears streaming down my face I proceeded to hit Moon with the plushies while screaming.

"Meanie! You're just like Mama! I-I..." I wasn't so sure if

I looked Moon in the eyes, his red hue seemed to be glitching as I spoke.

"I HATE YOU MOONDROP!" I screeched out as I threw the moon plushie at his face, I used my free hand to punch his arm joint thingy which made him drop me.

Once I was back on the ground I started to run back over to the trash thing where Chica was smashed and jumped into the hole, right before it was disabled.

Why would MoonDrop be so mean! What's wrong with him...?

Moon's POV:

I watched as little Y/n jumped down out of my reach, Monty and Roxy stalked off seeing as the intruders were not in their sights.

I dropped to the ground and picked up the plushie Y/n dropped. What happened exactly...? She seemed upset...scared...angry...

Was it my fault? If so I don't remember...I need to find Y/n and ask what happened.

Hooking myself back onto the rope I flew up into the ceiling vents to find out where she will end up.

Gregory's POV: I rubbed my head sorely from the fall and stood up, looking around I noticed two things. Chica and Y/n.

Chica was as to be expected, broken. Y/n looked completely unharmed? I walked over to Y/n and shook her gently.

"Mhg...where? Oh- Gregory! Moon... uh- CHICA?!" Y/n stuttered on her words, that's annoying.

I covered her mouth and walked over to Chica, reaching out to her chest cavity where the voice box lied my hand was suddenly grabbed.

"C-Can I hold your items? I want to help and be useful! So I'll hold onto the things we collect until we have them all!" She shouted happily as she stared at me...creepy.

Sighing in defeat, not seeing a reason on why she couldn't.

"Alright fine, but if you lose or break anything I'm going to hit you." I scolded her while flicking her nose to get the point across.

She nodded obediently as I reached in and grabbed the box, taking it out and giving it to Y/n to carry. She seemed quite happy to help so I just walked off, flicking on random generators I found along the way.

Y/N's POV:

YES! I got it. I tricked him. Now to collect them all and uh- I have no idea what I'm collecting them for.

Following Gregory in this strange garbage maze I've been hearing heavy footsteps following slowly but I was too scared to turn around and look.

"Gregory somethings behind us..." I whispered to him as I started to speedwalk, pulling him along.

"Ugh is Chica, let's just hurry, get these generators and back to Freddy before we get caught." He says while running, I guess it was his turn to pull me along, he's too fast for me to keep up so I'm practically just being dragged.

Is Moony okay now? I hope that wasn't too mean... I'll apologize if I see him again...

(Until next chapter. hhhhhh my motivation is leaving ;-;)

𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓶𝔂 𝓞𝔀𝓵~ |CANCELLED| (SunDrop/MoonDrop x Child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now