happy valentine's day

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A/N: words: 2805. oh its good to be back writing one shots. is there plot to any of this? nope. but its fine, i have no idea what IT is but its fine. anyway, enjoy!

Sam was a fighter. He fought for what he loved, and never found time to truly love. He bled burning hope and desperation, while all his loves drowned in their own fate. They called for Sad, but he had done all he could do. In all his effort he would lose all the same. Sam led a life of believing love was a myth he was forced to chase. A game to play, each match with newer, higher stakes and bloodier loses.

In the madness of blood and loss, in walked Bucky. Bucky, with the ghost of a past hidden in his ocean blue eyes. A thousand scars, each telling a story of loss and pain the same as Sam's. A myriad of broken pieces that came from a broken life. A broken heart hurt by more than just love. Hurt by the weight of the world itself, and all the daggers went straight to his heart and soul. A mosaic of loss that looms over them both like the moon hanging in the sky.

Bucky was a lover. He would choose, above all else, to love, instead of fighting. People can say that to love is to fight, but he's lost a lot of blood along the way. He needs a calm love, flowing like a river, not a trail of blood. What he needs now is a sunset to get lost in, a sky that has more stars than he can count. He needs peace, but he needs it in a way that it'll stay with him, not blow in the wind like dust.

The first time Sam really found Bucky was in 2015, February 14th. Sam had been walking through the streets of Rome, escaping his hotel room that felt more like a cell. He had seen Bucky, digging through a fruit stand as he strung a sentence together in Italian to the vendor. Sam approached nonchalantly, a thin smile on his lips.

"Barnes." Sam muttered, offering a smile to the woman at the stand.

"Wilson." A Russian accent was ghosting in Bucky's words. He watched as Bucky paid for the fruit, offering a smile of his own to the older woman before turning away. Sam followed. "You shouldn't keep following." Bucky told him.

"You're right." Sam agreed, "But, it's Valentine's Day." Bucky scoffed a laugh beside him.

"Right, Valentine's Day."

"Oh, do you need a refresh?" Sam teased, raising an eyebrow. Bucky scowled.

"No, I don't." He said pointedly. "I just don't understand why I should care, I'm running from Hydra, not Cupid." Sam cracked a smile, shaking his head.

"Listen, I just-" Sam had to bite back words he really wanted to say. Can you trust me? Can I let you follow me? Can I trust you?

"Does it really mean that much to you, Wilson?"

"Yes, it does." Bucky smiled, rolling his eyes.


"You gonna take me dancin'? Really, sweetheart?" Sam chuckled, an odd feeling ran through his body at the words.

"Yeah, sugar, I treat fellas right on Valentine's Day." Sam said, sealing the sentence with a wink. Bucky rolled his eyes, opening the door, letting Sam walk in first. The place was pretty empty for a Saturday night, workers bustling around tables and couples seated in booths. The dance floor occupied a few couples, a small band buried in the corner of the platform. Sam was surprised to find Bucky slipping his hand in Sam's, leading him towards the dance floor.

The band played something relatively fast, reminding Sam vaguely of the music that would thunder through his hometown. He felt Bucky spinning him around to the beat, and a smile grew on his face. He was a bit clumsy at first, stumbling in Bucky's arms, but by the middle of the song, they found a rhythm.

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