Advil, ice packs, and nicknames

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A/N: words: 1198. This isn't the best thing I wrote but I had a spark of inspiration so here we are. Enjoy

Sam stumbled through the door of his apartment, groaning in pain. It is way too late to deal with this. He throws his stuff down and almost collapses, but thankfully, Bucky catches him. "What the hell happened?" Bucky questions, his eyes wide with concern. He runs his hand over Sam's torso, arms and back, checking for injuries. Sam groaned in pain again, causing Bucky to stand back a bit.

"Jesus Sam!" Bucky exclaims, practically steering Sam to the couch. Sam would make fun of Bucky for mother henning him, but he must admit, he's thankful that Bucky's here.

Once Sam laid down on the couch, Bucky, being Bucky, bombarded him with questions. "Do you need anything? Water, soup, Advil, ice pack?" Bucky inquired while running around the living room in search of a blanket. Sam couldn't help but smile at Bucky's antics. "Buck" Sam called out, a smile on his face. Bucky looked up at Sam with worry in his eyes. "I'm fine" Sam informs him, even though that's probably not the case, he didn't need Bucky to get like this. "You don't look it" Bucky fires back, a blanket in hand.

Sam rolls his eyes and turned to actually have eye contact with Bucky, but instead, he gets an immense pain in his abdomen. Sam winces in pain, shutting his eyes tight, falling back to his previous position. "If you weren't in that much pain, I'd say I told you so" Bucky quipped, all the while putting a blanket around Sam's injured form. Sam glares at Bucky. "Shut up and get me food" Sam, out of all things, whines, shutting his eyes. Bucky has to bite back a smile, rolling his eyes fondly.

It didn't take much for Sam to fall asleep, and he was welcomed back awake by a delicious smell, still in pain, but a really good smell. As Sam opened his eyes, he saw Bucky across from him, reading something. "Hello" Sam greeted, trying to sound bitter, but his half-awake nature doesn't help. Bucky smiled and looked up from his book. "Morning, Samuel. Soups on the coffee table" Bucky explained simply, before going back to his book. Sam turned his head, and low and behold, his soup.

"What the hell did you put in this?" Sam questioned, glancing at the soup. "One, rude, not even a thank you, and two, taste it and you'll find out" Bucky explained smugly, causing Sam to roll his eyes. Sam attempts to sit up, but he feels lumps of cold all around his body. "Uh, Buck, why is my back freezing?" Sam inquired, still getting up and grabbing his soup. Before Bucky could give an answer, Sam groaned in pain, turning the wrong way while getting his soup, which has been abandoned. Before Sam could fully react to the pain, Bucky had gotten up from his chair and beside Sam. "You good? What happened?" Bucky questioned, resting his hands over Sam's torso. Sam closed his eyes and gingerly traced over the side of his body where it hurt. Bucky picked up on the movement and grabbed another ice pack. Sam didn't have the energy to question where Bucky had gotten all these ice packs, he was just thankful for Bucky. Bucky gently pressed the pack to Sam's side, keeping his eyes on Sam, who let out a breath of relief as the ice pack made contact with his injury.

"You good now?" Bucky questioned, making sure the pack stayed on Sam's side. "Maybe some Advil?" Sam mumbled, his eyes still closed. Bucky nodded and makes his way to the bathroom, grabbing the bottle.

After a few moments, Bucky comes back with some water and Advil. "Hey, here" Bucky whispered softly, setting down the items on the coffee table, beside the soup. Sam opened his eyes, and saw Bucky kneeling beside him, along with the Advil. "Thanks" Sam mumbled, grabbing the water and Advil. Bucky nodded and smiled, moving back to his chair.

After Sam took the Advil, his muscles still ached. He looked over at Bucky, who had picked up his book, once again. Sam winced at the pain again, and realized that this couch was way too small for him at the moment. "Buck?" Sam called out, and Bucky immediately looked up. "Yeah? Are you alright?" Bucky questioned, already out of his seat. Sam smiled and turned to Bucky. "I, uh, this couch is too small" Sam explained shyly, a blush creeping up his neck. "Oh" Bucky replied simply, looking at Sam. "Want me to, um, carry you?" Bucky inquired, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sure" Sam answered, because really, he is in far too much pain to really process the fact that Bucky Barnes is about to pick him up bridal style.

Before Bucky can think about it too much, he swiftly picks up Sam, being sure to not press on his injuries. Subconsciously, or at least that's what Sam tells himself, Sam throws his arm around Bucky's neck, for support. Sam takes in everything about Bucky, his apple shampoo that is ridiculously strong, his warm vanilla body wash, the mint gum that Sam can smell every time Bucky takes a breath. It's all very calming, and Sam almost fell asleep then and there, with the effects of the Advil taking a toll on him.

Bucky and Sam entered Sam's room, and Bucky gently laid Sam on the bed, wrapping the blankets around him. "I'll be right back," Bucky informed Sam, going back to grab Sam's ice packs. Sam just nodded, forcing himself to stay awake for a little while longer. Bucky's scent somehow lingered on Sam's shirt, and he was very thankful for that. Sam couldn't get over how, just, adorable? Was adorable the right word for it? Whatever, how adorable Bucky has been for these couple hours. The man made Sam soup, for god's sake. The idea of being something more than friends wasn't a new thought for Sam. Bucky is just, so caring, so kind, and they just work. They've been told they have good chemistry, neither of them admits it, but it's true. They just work together so well. Before Sam could get too lost in his thoughts, Bucky entered the room.

Wordlessly, Bucky placed the ice pack where he had before, and placed some more on the bedside table. He made his way to the door, but something in Sam made him call out to him. "Buck?" Sam practically whispered it, but Bucky turned nonetheless. "Stay?" Sam inquired, a small smile dancing on his lips. Bucky is a bit taken aback form this request, but then, even though it's quite dark in the room, being around 4 am, he could see Sam's smile and his puppy dog eyes. Bucky grinned and nodded, making his over to Sam. He got under the covers and pulled Sam up to his chest, gently rubbing circles on Sam's shoulder. Sam sighed and closed his eyes. "Thanks, Jamie" Sam didn't know where the nickname came from, but he liked it. Bucky smiled down at the shorter man. "Anything, Sammy".

The last thing Sam felt before falling asleep was Bucky's soft lips pressed to the top of his head.

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