happy halloween

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A/N: words: 646. happy halloween!! i know its a day late but we don't talk abt that. oh also i think i should mention i made a sambucky pumpkin so im a god. anyway, enjoy!

"Sam, I swear to god-"

"Scream is not scary."

"It's called scream." Bucky retorted, and Sam had to laugh at that. It was Halloween night, and they had just gotten back from taking the boys out for the night. AJ was practically passed out by the last house, and Cass was barely trudging along. They went to bed immediately, and Sam had never seen Sarah look so relived in his entire life. She went upstairs soon after, so it was only Sam and Bucky left awake. Sam was on a mission. He was trying to show Bucky every movie he had missed. Bucky said that it was impossible. He has been proven wrong. But back to the issue at hand.

"It's a really good movie."

"I don't like horror." Bucky said, and Sam raised an eyebrow at him.

"You were in a war."

"Unimportant." Bucky dismissed. Sam rolled his eyes. He was a very respectful and professional man, but he also knew how to make his eyes softer. Knew Bucky's weakness.

"Please?" Sam asked softly, and he could practically see the conflict in his eyes. Bingo. Sam had to stifle a grin at the way Bucky sighed in defeat, making sure to keep up with the facade. "Uh huh, exactly." Sam taunted, making the taller man turn around and glare at him. Success.


It was 30 minutes into the movie. They started at opposites end of the couch. At the first jump scare, Bucky jumped, inching a bit closer to Sam. Sam, who had tried to keep his crush on the super soldier, was not doing well after that. Every few minutes, Bucky moved a bit closer, even when nothing was really going on. It's not that Sam was complaining, panicking is more like it.

"Sam, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it." Bucky mumbled, his head buried in the couch cushions. Sam chuckled, looking down at Bucky. That's probably why they were both caught off guard by another jump scare. The sudden sound made them both jump. Bucky's hand sought out Sam's hand, burying his face in the crook of Sam's neck. "Sam, I swear to god." Sam would've laughed at him if his heart wasn't pounding out of his chest.

"Child." Sam breathed out. Sam's ears were burning, and he wasn't able to form an actual sentence. Hopefully, Bucky couldn't tell his current state. Bucky seemed pretty out of it anyway.

"You're warm." Bucky murmured, and Sam's heart sped up to at least a hundred. If he felt like he couldn't speak before, he didn't think he could breathe right now.

"Uh- oh?" Sam croaked. Bucky must've just noticed what he said, because he sat up immediately, and the look on his face Sam enough.

"Uh, I-" He was cut off by Sam's lips pressed to his. Bucky short-circuited. In a flash, it was over, and Bucky was staring at Sam with wide eyes.

"Sorry." Sam said quickly, and made to get up. Bucky stopped him.

"Why are you sorry?" Bucky asked softly. The movie was officially forgotten about. The pale grey moonlight shone through the window, making the brown of Sam's eyes even warmer in contrast. And it made Bucky lose his mind.

"Well, I-" This time, Sam was interrupted by Bucky. And this time, neither pulled away. This time, it felt real. It was quiet, but it was comforting. The air was getting a bit colder, but the warmth in Sam's eyes was nothing compared to what they felt right now.

They pulled away slowly, wanting to savour the moment they'd remember for lifetimes. "So..."

"So." Sam didn't know what to say, and maybe he didn't have to say anything. He just grinned, and Bucky grinned back. They pressed their foreheads together, and everything seemed to fit just right.

"Happy Halloween." 

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